By: Sean Luster
Tuan is a senior accounting and finance major from the capital of Vietnam. Although he is majoring in two aspects of business, he noted that accounting was his primary focus after he became interested in the subject during high school. The courses he has taken in college have built on that earlier knowledge and allowed him to learn more about the professional side of the industry. Finance is more of personal interest, as he has just started investing in stocks, which he says has become easier after taking finance classes. After graduating, Tuan plans to go back to school to achieve his master in accounting.
The academic offerings at Boise State University were not the only attracter factor for Tuan; he recognized that the football program is exciting and gives all students across the university a further sense of pride that can be shared with others. The combination of the university culture and the town of Boise itself has made his undergraduate experience memorable.
On top of being a student, Tuan has become interested in coding and watches YouTube videos to learn the basics. He has already coded a handful of apps and games, and he is very interested in the technology industry. With all of his interests, Tuan feels that you should “always hold yourself to a high standard,” and he certainly does.