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Niusha Jones, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Niusha Jones

Mail Stop 1630

Office MBEB 3213

Office hours by appointment

Niusha Jones is an associate professor of marketing at Boise State University College of Business and Economics. She holds a Bachelor of Science in structural engineering, a Master of science in marketing research and a doctor of philosophy in marketing.

Niusha’s academic research focuses on consumer motivations and psychology of brand and product design, with a particular interest in the effects of design elements on shaping consumers feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Her research has been published in leading outlets in marketing including the Journal of Marketing Research and the Journal of Advertising.

Before joining academia, Niusha spent several years working as a marketing researcher, manager, and consultant for leading international companies.

Niusha is a recipient of the AMSR/Sheth Foundation Award for Conceptual Articles and the Golden Eagle Award for Excellence in Research, Teaching, and Impeccable Service to the Community.


  • Ph.D. Marketing, University of North Texas
  • M.S. Marketing Research, University of Alabama
  • B.S. Structural Engineering, University of Science and Technology

Teaching Areas

  • Digital Marketing
  • Digital Marketing Management
  • Marketing Research and Analytics

Areas of Expertise

  • Consumer Psychology
  • Brand and Product Design
  • Digital Marketing and Marketing Research
  • Transformative Consumer Research