Associate Professor, Management
Mail Stop: 1625
Office Number: MBEB 2215
Office Hours: WF 1:00-2:30 pm
Dr. Mattingly is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management. His research is published in highly ranked and international journals, including: Organization Studies, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, and International Journal of Organizational Analysis among others. His research broadly examines individual cognitions related to opportunity recognition, employee alignment with strategy, and entrepreneurial persistence. Within those areas, he has published research on dignity both in and at work, mergers and acquisitions, institutional legitimacy, entrepreneurial expectancy, and research methodology.
Prior to joining academia, Dr. Mattingly worked primarily in the hedge fund, aerospace, and logistics industries on strategy development, human resource management, entrepreneurship, and alternative investment fund administration. His professional experiences that primarily drive his research interests include: presenting business to sell to private equity firms, strategy development, business valuation, working on a federal intellectual property lawsuit, and administering onshore and offshore alternative investment funds.
Ph.D. Entrepreneurship, University of Louisville, 2014
B.S. Finance, Brigham Young University, Marriott School of Management, 2007
Teaching Areas
Business Policy and Strategy, Organizational Behavior, Entrepreneurship
Areas of Expertise
Strategic Action, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Governance, Entrepreneurial Cognition, Entrepreneurial Exit, Entrepreneurial Finance, Organizational Behavior, Workplace Dignity, Technology Commercialization
Featured Publications
Manikas, A. S., Kroes, J. R., Mattingly, E. S., & McBrayer, G. A. (2023) Improving Sales in Online Auctions: The Impact of Emphasizing Corporate Social Responsibility in Item Descriptions. International Journal of Electronic Commerce.
Manikas, A. S., Kroes, J. R., Mattingly, E. S., & McBrayer, G. A. (2023) Do Online Consumers Value Corporate Social Responsibility More in Times of Uncertainty? Evidence from Online Auctions Conducted During the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research.
Mattingly, E. S., Ahuja, M. K., Manikas, A. S., & Kushev, T. N. (2023) Is That an Opportunity? Global versus Local Processing of Technological and Socioeconomic Constraints. Journal of Small Business Management, 6(2), 187-225.
Mattingly E. S. & McBrayer, G. A. (2022) Consideration Sets as Resources for Business Model Generation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 45(1), 97-117.
Garrett, R., Mattingly, E. S., Hornsby, J., & Aghaey, A. (2020) Impact of Relatedness, Uncertainty, and Slack on Corporate Entrepreneurship Decisions. Management Decision, 59(5), 1114-1131.
Ma, D., Mattingly, E. S., Kushev, T., Ahuja, M. K., & Manikas, A. S. (2019) Persistence Decisions: It’s Not Just About the Money. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 28(1), 121-143.
Lucas, K., Manikas, A. S., Mattingly, E. S., & Crider, Cole, C. (2017) Engaging and Misbehaving: How Dignity Affects Employee Work Behaviors. Organization Studies, 38(11), 1505-1527.
Mattingly, E. S., Kushev, T., Ahuja, M. K., & Ma, D. (2016). Switch or Persevere? The Effects of Experience and Metacognition on Persistence Decisions. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12(4) 1233-1263.
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Reviewer of the Year Award, Cambridge University Press
Best Paper Honor, Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Honored Educator, Career Track MBA, Boise State University
Doctoral Student Teaching Effectiveness Award, University of Louisville