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Jeff Lingwall, JD, Ph.D.

Jeff LingwallAssociate Chair, Associate Professor, Management • Mail Stop: 1625

Jeff earned his JD from the Yale Law School and his Ph.D. in Economics and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University. He also did graduate work in statistics at Brigham Young University. He has published on a wide variety of topics, such as the procedural aspects of mass litigation, consumer financial protection, blockchain-based contracting, education law, and the history of corporate social responsibility. Before joining Boise State, Jeff taught commercial law and data science at Truman State University, practiced class action defense law, and clerked for the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. His spare time is usually occupied with his seven amazing children.


  • Ph.D., Economics and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, 2014
  • J.D., Yale Law School, 2013

Teaching Areas

  • Legal Studies
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Ethics

Areas of Expertise

  • Law and Economics
  • Econometrics
  • Economic History

Featured Publications

  • ACorporation, Inc.: Corporate Form as Art Project and Advocacy, 52 Univ. Baltimore L. Rev. 419 (2023) (with Chad Erpelding and Ruth Jebe)
  • “In One Direction Only”: Chains of Reasoning and Tail Events in CAFA Amount-in-Controversy Claims, 60 Am. Bus. L.J. 369 (2023) (with Nicole Wood)
  • A Thousand Views of the Cathedral: The Law, Politics, and Statistics of COVID Dashboards, 33 Health Matrix: J. of L. Med. 393 (2023) (with TJ Bliss)
  • Bitter Roots: Discriminatory Taint and Gifted Programming in United States Education Law, 32 Boston Univ. Pub. Interest L.J. 1 (2023) (with Jennifer Oliphant)
  • Causal Narratives and Constitutional Scrutiny, 52 Memphis L. Rev. 773 (2022) (with Michelle Vos)
  • Teaching Blockchain through Coding: Educating the Future Accounting Professional, 36 Issues in Accounting Ed. 281 (2021) (with Stacey Kaden and Trevor Shonhiwa)
  • Laws, Educational Outcomes, and Returns to Schooling: Evidence from the First Wave of U.S. State Compulsory Attendance Laws, 68 Labour Econ. 101935 (2021) (with Karen Clay and Melvin Stephens, Jr.)
  • Should Code Be Law? Smart Contracts, Blockchain, and Boilerplate, 88 U.M.K.C. L. Rev. 285 (2020) (with Ramya Mogallapu)
  • Primary Jurisdiction and the Limits of Measurement in Mass Litigation, 40 Pace L. Rev. 85 (2020) (with Nathan Leiter)
  • The Imitation Game: Structural Asymmetry in Multidistrict Litigation, 87 Miss. L.J. 131 (2018) (with Isaac Ison and Chris Wray)
  • Educational Gerrymanders: Creating Unequal School Districts in North Carolina, 40 N.C. Cent. L. Rev. 1 (2017)
  • Fraudulent Aggregation: The Effect of Daimler and Walden on Mass Litigation, 69 Fla. L. Rev. 599 (2017) (with Chris Wray)
  • Food Forensics in Class Actions: The Race Between Pleading Standards and Technology, 52 Tulsa L. Rev. 213 (2017)
  • Laws, Educational Outcomes, and Returns to Schooling: Evidence from the Full Count 1940 Census, (NBER Working Paper w22855) (with Karen Clay & Melvin Stephens, Jr.)
  • Skeletons in the Database: An Early Analysis of CFPB Consumer Complaints, 19 Fordham  J. Corp. & Fin. L. 343 (2014) (with Ian Ayres & Sonia Steinway)
  • Education Clauses in Corporate Charters: How Child Welfare Law Confronted the Industrial Revolution, 43 J. L. & Educ. 189 (2014)
  • Do Schooling Laws Matter? Evidence from the Introduction of Compulsory Attendance Laws in the United States (NBER Working Paper w18477) (with Karen Clay & Melvin Stephens, Jr.)
  • Review: The Global New Deal, by William F. Felice, 14 Yale Human Rights & Devel. L.J. 156 (2011)
  • A Nonparametric Scan Statistic for Multivariate Disease Surveillance, Advances in Disease Surveillance, Volume 4: Abstracts from the 2007 Conference of the International Society for Disease Surveillance (with Daniel B. Neill)
  • Dirichlet Based Bayesian Multivariate Receptor Modeling, 19 Environmetrics 618 (2007) (with William F. Christensen & C. Shane Reese)
  • Pollution Source Apportionment Using A Priori Information and Positive Matrix Factorization, 87 Chemometrics & Intelligent Laboratory Systems 281 (2007) (with William F. Christensen)
  • Iterated Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Pollution Source Apportionment, 17 Environmetrics 663 (2006) (with William F. Christensen & Jamie J. Schauer)

Awards and Accomplishments

  • Idaho Business Review Accomplished Under 40 Award 2022
  • Commercial law instruction helped lead TSU students to highest CPA Regulation Exam pass rate in the nation, 2018
  • Excellence in Teaching Award, Truman State University School of Business, 2017
  • Rothamsted Research Award (for excellence in graduate work in statistics), 2006