Associate Professor, Management
Mail Stop: 1625
Office Number: MBEB 2124
Office Hours: by appointment
Felice B. Klein is an associate professor in the Department of Management. Previously, she was a member of the faculty at Michigan State University. She received her Ph.D. from Cornell University in May 2012.
Broadly speaking, her research focuses on compensation and inequality in the workplace. In her current research, she studies the role of gender on differences in compensation and leadership and is particularly interested in the individual and organizational efforts that help reduce inequities in the workplace.
Her research has appeared in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Strategic Management Journal, and Industrial Relations, and has been covered by several media outlets such as Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, and Boise State Public Radio. Her popular press writing has appeared in The Conversation, Fast Company, BBC News, and Yahoo News. Her work has received numerous awards, including being named a finalist for the 2022 Scholarly Achievement Award and receiving the 2019 Best Convention Paper Award, both from Academy of Management’s HR Division. She also received the 2013 Emerging Scholar Award in Employee Participation and Ownership from the HR Division of AOM, the Foundation for Enterprise Development, the Employee Ownership Foundation, and the Equity Administration, Inc.
Teaching Areas
- Human resources management
- Compensation and benefits
Areas of Expertise
- Compensation
- Gender and diversity
- Inequality in the workplace
- Organizational efforts addressing inequality
Featured Publications
- Klein, F.B., Hill, A., Hammond, R., and Stice-Lusvardi, R. (2021). The gender equity gap: A multistudy investigation of within-job inequality in equity-based awards. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(5): 734–753.
- Klein, F.B., Chaigneau, P., and Devers, C.E. (2021). CEO gender-based termination concerns: Evidence from initial severance agreements. Journal of Management, 47(3): 567-596. (lead article)
- Gamache, D. L., Devers, C. E., Klein, F. B., & Hannigan, T. (in press). Shifting perspectives: How CEO job demands shape the relationship between CEO gender and acquisition activity. Strategic Management Journal.
- Hallock, K.F., and Klein, F.B. (2016). Executive pay in American unions. Industrial Relations, 55(2): 219-234.
- Klein, F.B., McSweeney, K., Devers, C.E., McNamara, G., and Blosser, S. (2017). Executive severance agreements: Making sense of an emerging, yet fragmented, research field. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management.
Awards, Grants and Fellowships
- Finalist, Scholarly Achievement Award for Best Published Paper, Academy of Management HR Division, 2022
- J. Robert Beyster Fellowship, Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing, Rutgers University, 2022
- COBE Advisory Council Research Award, Boise State University, 2020
- Best Convention Paper Award, Academy of Management HR Division, 2019
- Corey Rosen Fellowship, Rutgers University, 2015
- Emerging Scholar Award in Employee Participation and Ownership, HR Division Academy of Management, The Foundation for Enterprise Development, the Employee Ownership Foundation, and the Equity Administration, Inc., 2013.