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James Kroes, Ph.D.

Jim Kroes

Professor, SCM • (208) 426-1169 • Mail Stop: 1615
Office Number: MBEB 3223

James Kroes is a professor in the Department of Information Technology and Supply Chain Management at Boise State University’s College of Business and Economics. He earned his Ph.D. and master’s degrees at the Georgia Institute of Technology and his undergraduate degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Prior to beginning his doctoral studies, Dr. Kroes worked in industry as a mechanical engineer, a project manager, and an operations management consultant.

His research interests include inventory and cash flow management, healthcare operations management, gender equity in supply chain organizations, sustainable operations management, transportation optimization, and manufacturing and retail supply chain management. Dr. Kroes’ published research has appeared in a number of journals including Interfaces, the International Journal of Production Economics, the International Journal of Production Research, the Journal of Operations Management, the International Journal of Operations and Production Management, and Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.


Ph.D., Operations Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007

M.S., Management of Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1999

B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1994

Teaching Areas

Supply Chain Management

Areas of Expertise

Logistics, gender equity in supply chain organizations, healthcare operations management, sustainable operations management, lean operations, transportation optimization, and manufacturing and retail supply chain management.

Featured Publications

Kroes, J., Land, A., Manikas, A. S., & Klein, F. (2024). Gender diversity and injustice among supply chain executives: exploring outcomes that advance social justice. International Journal of Operations & Production Management.

Kroes, J. R., Manikas, A. S., Gattiker, T. F., & Castel, M. J. (2022). The operational impacts of Chief Supply Chain Officers in manufacturing firms. Production Planning & Control, 33(15), 1465-1480.

Terpend, R., Rossetti, C., Kroes, J., Mudge, S., & Glass, J. (2022). Leveraging Free-Form Comments to Assess and Improve Patient Satisfaction. The Annals of Family Medicine, 20(6), 551-555.

Kroes, J. R., Manikas, A. S., & Gattiker, T. (2018). Operational Leanness and Retail Firm Performance since 1980. International Journal of Production Economics, 197, 262-274.

Kroes, J. R., Manikas, A. S., & Gattiker, T. (2018). Operational Leanness and Retail Firm Performance since 1980. International Journal of Production Economics, 197, 262-274.

Kroes, J. R., & Manikas, A. S. (2017). An Exploration of “Sticky” Inventory Management in Manufacturing. Accepted at Production Planning & Control.

Kroes, J., Manikas, A., & Gattiker, T. (2016). Metro Meals on Wheels Treasure Valley Employs a Low-Cost Routing Tool to Improve Deliveries, Interfaces, 46(2), 154-167.


COBEAC Service Award, 2022 – 2023

COBE Ada Burke Fellow, 2018-2021


Industrial Engineering Minor – COBE Coordinator

Student Mock Interview Event Coordinator