MBEB Building Hours
- The Micron Business and Economics Building (MBEB) is open:
Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Boise State valid ID holders: Monday-Friday, 7-10 p.m. and Saturday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. using an entrance with a card-readerContact Gail Puccetti (gailpuccetti@boisestate.edu), building manager, if you have any concerns regarding the building or would like to reserve a meeting room.
GAs are permitted to remain in the Micron Business and Economics building after it is locked. However, once you leave the locked building you will not be allowed back in; nor can you open the doors for another student.
Bronco Cards
Your Bronco Card provides access to University facilities including classrooms, residence halls, the testing center, athletic events, and the REC. Additionally, your Bronco Card account holds funds for on-campus commerce including print money, dining plans, and Bronco Bucks. The Information Desk will give you guidelines on how to get your Bronco Card and where to pick one up.
Computer Workstations Log In
SPSS has been loaded on the GA computers. The first time you log in on one of these workstations, an account will be will created for you. A COBE student employee account has been set up for you on the COBE file server. Use your assigned BroncoWeb login name and password when the workstation prompts you for it. Be sure to log off when you leave a computer work station.
Note: Faculty and staff will attempt to contact you through your employee email. It is wise to habitually check your employee email throughout the day in order to prevent miscommunication or delayed responses.
At Boise State University, every employee has an employee email address, called “BroncoMail”. Your employee address will look much like this: yourname@boisestate.edu.
Note: The difference between your employee email and your personal student email is there is no ‘u.’ in your employee email address.
- Access your email at my.boisestate.edu and login with your myBoiseState credentials. This is the same username and password you use to log-in to your computer. If this is your first time logging in, you will need to set up our multi-factor authentication system, Duo Security.
Boise State University uses Gmail for all student and staff email communications. Gmail is part of the Google Workspace, a suite of collaboration tools that includes mail, calendar, storage, and document editing software. If you are interested in learning more about the features of Gmail and Google Workspace, visit the materials available on the OIT Google Workspace Information webpage.
You can also access your employee email from a mobile device. Directions can be found at Configuring Mobile Devices with Gmail and Google Apps.
If you difficulty reaching your email or need assistance setting up our mobile devices to use email, please contact the OIT Help Desk at (208) 426-HELP (4357) or email helpdesk@boisestate.edu.