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Zoo Boise Director Steve Burns Stops by EMBA to Discuss Animal Conservation

Steve Burns

Executive MBA was pleased to have Steve Burns, Director of the Zoo Boise meet with us today. While the zoo itself is awesome, the work that is being done on animal conservation is even more impressive.  Steve is a gifted, successful leader and we are very fortunate to have him here in the Boise community. Check out Zoo Boise and the work being done in Gorongosa Park in Africa if you haven’t heard about it already.

Steve Burns is the director of Zoo Boise and also in line to be the Chair of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums. After meeting with Greg Carr and visiting Gorongosa National Park, Burns began steering Zoo Boise in the direction of helping wildlife in places like Gorongosa. This has meant a radical shift in the mission of Zoo Boise. In interviews conducted in Africa and in Boise in 2014, Burns talks about how he views the role of zoos in the modern world and what he thinks of working closely with Gorongosa National Park.

Read more of the Steve Burns interview on the Idaho Public Television website.