Assistant Professor
(208) 426-1468
Mail Stop: 1620
Office Number: MBEB 3211
Dr. Ribas joined Boise State University in 2021. His research is focused on firm creation and growth, education and social mobility, illicit markets, and individual acceptance and externalities of public policies. He is currently working on projects related to demand for housing near sex workers and cannabis dispensary, gender gap in management positions, social determinants of criminal behavior, and cultural influence on business practices.
Ph.D. Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2014
MSc Economics, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2006
BA Economics, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2004
Teaching Areas
- Macroeconomics
- Econometrics
- Business Economics
- Entrepreneurial Economics
Featured Publications
- Duryea, S., Ribas, R. P., et al. (2023). Who benefits from tuition-free, top-quality universities? Evidence from Brazil, Economics of Education Review, 2023, 95: 102423.
- Giambona, E., & Ribas, R. P. (2023). The External Cost of Prostitution: Evidence from Shutting Down Red Light Districts in the Netherlands. Real Estate Economics, 51 (3): 630-654.
Giambona, E., & Ribas, R. P. (2023). Unveiling the Price of Obscenity: Evidence from Closing Prostitution Windows in Amsterdam. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 42 (3): 677-705.
- Bruijn, M., & Ribas, R. P. (2022). “No Drugs in My Back Yard:” the Ambivalent Reception of Cannabis Retailers. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 199, 103-121.
- Bruijn, M., & Ribas, R. P. (2022). “No Drugs in My Back Yard:” the Ambivalent Reception of Cannabis Retailers. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 199, 103-121.
- Ribas, R.P., Sampaio, B., Trevisan. G. (2020), Short- and long-term effects of class assignment: Evidence from a flagship university in Brazil, Labour Economics, 64 (101835).
- Ribas, R.P. (2020), Liquidity constraints, spillovers, and entrepreneurship: evidence from a cash transfer program, Small Business Economics, 55 (4): 1131-1158.
- Campello, M., Ribas, R.P., Wang, A. (2014). Is the Stock Market Just a Side-Show? Evidence from a Structural Reform, Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 3 (1-2): 1-38. [Editor’s choice]
- Machado, A.F., Ribas, R.P. (2010). Do Changes in the Labour Market Take Families Out of Poverty? Determinants of Exiting Poverty in Brazilian Metropolitan Regions, Journal of Development Studies, 46 (9): 1503-1522.
- Soares, F.V., Ribas, R.P., Osorio, R. (2010). Evaluating the Impact of Brazil’s Bolsa Família: Cash Transfer Programmes in Comparative Perspective, Latin American Research Review, 45 (2): 173-190.
- Honored Faculty by Top Ten Scholar, Boise State University, 2024
- Nominated University of Amsterdam Lecturer of the Year, 2021
- SBE Best Paper in Applied Microeconomics, 2nd prize, Brazilian Econometric Society, 2018
- SBE Best Paper in Applied Microeconomics, Brazilian Econometric Society, 2017
- RCFS Best Paper Award, Society for Financial Studies (SFS), 2015
- McNatt Memorial Award for Outstanding Student in Labor Economics, Department of Economics, University of Illinois, 2013
- Medal for Research on Development: Social Protection and Social Policies, 2nd Prize, Global Development Network (GDN), 2012
- List of Teachers Rated as Excellent by their Students, Department of Economics, University of Illinois, 2010