Associate Dean Graduate College; Professor, Economics
ScottLowe@boisestate.edu • (208) 426-5439 • Mail Stop: 1110
Dr. Lowe’s primary research interests relate to the influence of regulations on environmental and socioeconomic conditions. His research focal areas include air and water quality, urban economics, and on water use in the arid western United States. Dr. Lowe is currently the Associate Dean of the Graduate College.
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
MS, Oregon State University
BA, University of California, Santa Barbara
Featured Publications
Chen, K., Z. Hansen, and S.E. Lowe. 2019. Journal of Human Resources “Why Do We Inflate Grades? The Effect of Part-Time Employment on Grading Practices,” in press.
Hansen Z.K., Lowe S.E., 2019 “Major Water Infrastructure and Institutions in the Development of the American West” in Handbook of Cliometrics. Springer, Diebolt C., Haupert M. eds. 2019, Berlin, Heidelberg.
May, C., C. Luce, J. Casola, M. Chang, J. Cuhaciyan, M. Dalton, S. Lowe, G. Morishima, P. Mote, A. Petersen, G. Roesch-McNally, and E. York, 2018: Northwest. In Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II [Reidmiller, D.R., C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, K.L.M. Lewis, T.K. Maycock, and B.C. Stewart (eds.)]. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA. 1036-1100.
Xu, Wenchao, and Scott E. Lowe. 2018. “An Integrated Analysis of the Effects of Local Water Institutions on Irrigated Agriculture Outcomes in the Arid Western United States”. Applied Economics, v51(15): 1761-1776.
Sankey, Joel B., T.J. Hawbaker, J.L. McVay, M.E. Miller, E.R. Mueller, N.M. Vaillant, Scott E. Lowe, and T.T. Sankey. 2017 “Climate, wildfire, and erosion ensemble foretells more sediment in western USA watersheds”. Geophysical Research Letters, 44: 8884-8892.
Xu, Wenchao, Scott E. Lowe, and Richard Adams. 2014. “Climate change, water rights, and water supply: The case of irrigated agriculture in Idaho”. Water Resources Research, v50(12): 9675-9695.
Xu, Wenchao, Scott E. Lowe, and Sheng Zhang. 2014. “An analysis of irrigated agricultural outcomes under the prior appropriation doctrine: hypotheses and applications”. Applied Economics, v46(22): 2639-2652.
Terpend, Regis, Tom Gattiker, and Scott E. Lowe. 2014. “Electronic Textbooks: Antecedents of Students’ Adoption and Learning Outcomes”. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, v12(2): 149-173.
Hansen, Zeynep, Scott E. Lowe, and Wenchao Xu. 2014. “Long-term impacts of major water storage facilities on agriculture and the natural environment: Evidence from Idaho (U.S.)”. Ecological Economics, v100: 106-118.