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Undergraduate Research Competition – Las Vegas – April 3-5, 2016

Undergraduate Research Competition

Research in Economics, Business, Political Science, Philosophy, History, Sociology, and Law
Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE) Conference at Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel and Casino
Las Vegas – April 3-5, 2016
Boise State University Competition Submission Deadline: December 30, 2015

Submission priority will be given to topics consistent with the themes of political economy, private enterprise, entrepreneurship, economic education, and this year’s conference theme: Capitalism: Free-Market or Crony? In The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith described the economy of his day as the “mercantile” system. It consisted of government privileges for favored sectors, and onerous burdens on others. In the 20th century, Ludwig von Mises updated the Smithian analysis to deal with the modern version of the mercantile system, which he called interventionism. Mises identified corruption as “the regular effect of interventionism.” In today’s vernacular, and especially since the early 21st century financial crisis, the system has been dubbed crony capitalism. Crony capitalism is frequently linked to corruption. Free-market capitalism may be an ideal, but crony capitalism is all too real around the globe.

Boise State students are eligible to compete for a trip to Las Vegas to present their research results and attend conference activities at the Association of Private Enterprise Education Conference, April 3-5, 2016.

Information about the Boise State University Research Competition: The top three entries in the Boise State University Competition will be nominated to present their research at the APEE Conference and the three students will have their airfare, hotel accommodations, conference registration, and meals covered by a generous grant from the Charles Koch Foundation. Students will be expected to participate in conference activities. Student entries will be judged by a committee chaired by Allen Dalton (Dept. of Economics). Other committee members are Charlotte Twight and Scott Yenor (Dept. of Political Science). Any topic in Economics, Business, Political Science, Philosophy, History, Sociology, and Law are welcome. Priority will be given to entries on the conference theme of Capitalism: Free-Market or Crony?

Eligibility Requirements: (1) Applicants must be registered students at Boise State University during the fall 2015 semester. (2) Applicants must be 21 or older by April 3, 2016 (a copy of a driver’s license or other official document showing proof of age must accompany the Boise State competition submission). (3) Applicants must either possess a valid US passport through the dates of the conference, or undertake arrangements to possess one by February 12, 2016 (proof of valid passport at time of the submission deadline or proof of submission of application for a passport after selection must be received by the committee). (4) Applications, along with a 600-word abstract, the complete research paper, and a provisional poster must be submitted by December 30, 2015. Applications and additional information may be obtained from Allen Dalton ( Winning students will be selected and announced by January 30, 2016.

Information about the Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE): APEE believes that individual understanding of a society based on freedom in enterprise and one’s personal life can provide an environment within which people can fulfill their greatest potential. The Association acts as a network to provide members with information, interaction, and support in their efforts to put into action an accurate and objective understanding of private enterprise systems. APEE sponsors yearly conferences, newsletters, membership directories, consultation among members, and other programs and publications. APEE publishes the Journal of Private Enterprise. For more information about APEE and past conferences, visit APEE Undergraduate Research Competitions: APEE encourages professors to nominate outstanding undergraduate research projects. Undergraduates are invited to present their research at a poster session, set up like a science fair. Participants each have an easel for a poster or other visual display highlighting their research; they talk to professors about their research as professors circulate about the room during the plenary session/reception. Awards for top undergraduate papers are presented during the general meeting luncheon.