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Grants Awarded to Eight Undergrads to Study Water and Climate Change Issues

The National Science Foundation has awarded eight Boise State undergraduate students research grants which will be used to study water and climate change issues. Economics professor and director of the Boise State portion of the grant, Siân Mooney, said, “Experience with undergraduate research can help students discover a passion for inquiry and lifelong learning.”

Two of the students selected are from the Economics Department at Boise State. The researcher, student, and their project are:

  • Economics assistant professor Scott Lowe, Economics associate professor Zeynep Hansen and senior Samantha Hobdey of Gooding, climate variability and water infrastructure: historical experience in the Western United States.
  • Economics assistant professor Scott Lowe, Economics assistant professor Kelly Cobourn and senior Blair Vanderlugt of Boise, the impacts of climate change on economic development and land use change within Idaho.