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Computer and Technology Recommendations

Computer Recommendations

The MBA programs teach a variety of technical concepts that require, or are supported by, specialized software that is installed and available on computers in labs across campus. Students are also encouraged to utilize their own computers and laptops in our courses. Access to the necessary software is provided via download links, licenses, and detailed instructions, however, students are responsible for installing and configuring the software on their own machines.

Various courses require specialized software that are only compatible with Windows-based PC computers. While we recommend students have access to a PC running Windows, the Helpdesk can provide licenses and the necessary software for students to install Windows on a Mac.

Review the following recommendations for your academic computing technology.

Windows Hardware and OS

  • 3rd generation Intel i5 or better processor
  • 8 GB of memory
  • 512 GB HDD or SSD
  • Windows 7, 8.1, or 10

Mac Minimum Hardware and OS

  • 3rd generation Intel i5 or better processor
  • 8 GB of memory
  • 512 GB HDD or SSD
  • Apple macOS 10.10 or Above