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Feed the Funnel

Feed the Funnel is a volunteer event to provide meals for local food banks and pantries in the Treasure Valley. As a volunteer you will pack healthy meals in assembly-line style. This is a great opportunity to help the community and connect with past and current BAP members, faculty, other Boise State students and local firm representatives who will also be volunteering.

Feed the Funnel - group of students on an assembly line

We Met Our Goal!

We raised $40,000 which will buy the ingredients to pack 100,000 meals

We will pack 100,000 meals — volunteer! It’s fun.

Friday, September 22, 2023
11 a.m. – 1 p.m. or 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Jordan Ballroom, Student Union Building

Thanks to all our donors — you will help the food insecure on-campus and in the Treasure Valley.