Accountancy BBA
The BBA Accountancy Degree Program is designed to provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills required for entry-level positions in the accounting profession. It also provides the knowledge and skills required for entry into graduate business programs. These skills include written and oral communication, analytical reasoning, the ability to use technology, as well as technical accounting skills.
Accountancy Minor
Are you a business student wanting to give your resume a little more polish? If so, we recommend taking a look at the Accountancy minor. You need 22 credits of upper and lower division Accountancy courses to minor in Accountancy.
Additional Information
COBE Computer Placement Exam
All Accountancy students, majors and minors, are required to successfully complete the COBE Computer Placement Exam as part of the program. Instead of taking the exam, or if exam completion is unsuccessful, students must take each the following 1-credit Information Technology Management courses: ITM 104 Operating Systems and Word Processing Topics; ITM 105 Spreadsheet Topics; ITM 106 Database Topics.
Finish in 4
The Accountancy BBA Degree has a developed path for the Finish in 4: Four-Year Graduation Guarantee Program. If you want to sign up for this plan or formulate your own plan, please meet with your Academic Advisor at COBE Student Services. Together you will approve and sign a plan to graduate in four years.

The Accounting BBA program qualifies for Idaho LAUNCH.  Idaho LAUNCH by Next Steps Idaho, is an education and training grant program that provides Idaho students a one-time scholarship for 80% of the tuition and fees for select in-demand career programs – up to a maximum amount of $8,000.
Registrar’s Office Links:
- Instructions for Declaring a Major
- Course Catalogs – Undergraduate
- Transfer Students – Transferring course credits to Boise State
- Courses Offered – Accountancy Course Descriptions
- Career and professional advising: Contact COBE Career Services for assistance. In addition, all accountancy faculty can provide career advice.
- Academic advising: Contact COBE Advising Services for help planning your class schedule and completing academic paperwork.