Chair and Associate Professor, Accountancy
Chair, Finance
(208) 426-3412
Office: MBEB 3101
- Ph.D., Accounting, University of Arizona
- MAcc, Brigham Young University
- BS, Accounting, Brigham Young University
Teaching Areas
- Financial Accounting and Reporting
Featured Publications
- “The effects of time budget pressure and intentionality on audit supervisors’ response to audit staff false sign-off,” with Mark Taylor. 2013. International Journal of Auditing 17 (No. 1): 38-53
- “The organizational response to the discovery of false sign-off,” with Doug Prawitt. 2011. International Journal of Disclosure and Governance 8 (No. 1): 43-61
- “The effects of incomplete personal capability knowledge and overconfidence on employment contract selection,” with Mark Taylor. 2008. Behavioral Research in Accounting 20 (No. 2): 37-53
- “An examination of the recently restated financial statements due to inappropriate lease accounting,” with Brad Reed. 2007. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 11 (No. 3): 69-84
- “Does congruence between audit structure and auditors’ locus of control affect job performance?” with Doug Prawitt. 2001. The Accounting Review 76 (April): 263-274
- 2013 – 2014 College of Business & Economics Advisory Council Outstanding Teaching Award
- 2013 Little Morris LLP, Award for Outstanding Accounting Teacher
- 2012 KPMG LLP, Award for Outstanding Accounting Teacher
- 2009 Deloitte & Touche LLP, Research Award for the Outstanding Accounting Article