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Form – COAS Graduate Student Travel Support Program

The COAS Graduate Student Travel Support Program encourages and supports graduate students to present their scholarly work at academic societies or professional meetings.

We hope this funding will help catalyze networking opportunities, collaborative efforts, career preparation, and communication skills for our graduate students, and that our students’ contributions will increase awareness of the scholarly achievements at Boise State University.

Funding is available to support all disciplines within COAS.

Application Procedures

Complete the Graduate Student Travel Support Program Application below.

Selection and awarding of Graduate Student Travel Grants will be made based on the applicant’s narrative.

See the COAS Graduate Student Travel Support Program page for more information.

Note: This application is for College of Arts and Sciences Schools and Departments Only.
What is your area of study?

Estimate of Travel Expenses


Supporting Documentation

Please attach the following documentation to support your request: 1) Itemized expense estimate including transportation, lodging, meals, etc. 2) Letter of invitation or notice of acceptance 3) 250 word narrative responsive to guideline requirements.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, xlsx, Max. file size: 10 MB.