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Faculty and Staff Resources

Opportunities for Faculty and Staff

Calls for proposals, calls for papers, grants and other opportunities.

Resources for Faculty and Staff

Academic Advising Support

Accommodations Resources

Access, Accommodations and Working with Blind and Low Vision Students

Every faculty member should understand how to work with students with disabilities and the policies and processes the university has in place to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Providing student accommodations is part of the university’s core values and is the law. For working with BLV students, you can find:

More Information on Student Accommodations

More information on student accommodations can be found on the Educational Access Center website. Faculty may also refer to the following university policies:

College Policies

You can view and download the following documents in the College Policies Google Drive folder (you must be signed in to view and download these files).

  • COAS T&P Policy [updated March 2023] (Google Doc)
  • Guidelines for External Letters (docx)
  • Post-Tenure Prospectus Process Info and FAQ (docx)
  • Post-Tenure Prospectus Template [updated May 2020]  (docx)
  • Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor (Old COAS) (pdf)
  • Promotion to Professor (Old COAS) (pdf)
  • Tenure and Promotion (Old SSPA) (pdf)
  • Workload Policy (pdf)

Current Job Listings in the College of Arts and Sciences

Honors and Awards

You can view and download Honors and Awards guidelines from the Honors and Awards Google Drive folder (you must be signed in to view and download these files).

  • Adjunct Teaching Award (pdf)
  • Faculty Excellence Awards (pdf)
  • Staff Excellence Awards (pdf)


RCA Hub Resources

Find resources to support research and creative activity in the College of Arts and Sciences RCA Hub.

Office of Sponsored Programs

This office oversees all pre-award and non-financial post-award sponsored projects activities. The goal of the office is to create a supportive environment for the research enterprise at Boise State University. Their website explains how they can help you.

University Policies

All faculty should be aware of the university policies, which cover all university functions. The Policy Manual website contains all policies, and provides a search function to help you quickly find what you need to know.

Service-Learning Resources

Integrating Service-Learning into your research or course can enrich student learning, boost the visibility of your project and strengthen grant proposals.

Find Service-Learning resources

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