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SRI Grant Proposal Form

Strategic Retention Initiative Grants in the College of Arts and Science

Each team will submit a proposal narrative that addresses the questions below. These questions will help us to understand the current state of affairs in your department when it comes to retention and student success. Departments do not have to identify specific retention goals or propose new initiatives in their proposals. This will be a part of the strategic planning process that occurs in Phase 1 of the SRI grant.

In the application phase, we are primarily interested in learning more about what strategies departments have already tried, what challenges they have faced and what types of resources and support they are most interested in gaining through the SRI grant.

If you do not want to fill out the form sections on-page, you must upload ONE document that provides all of the requested information in those sections.

Proposal deadline: September 24 by 5 p.m.


SRI Grant Proposal Form

Provide your department or unit.
Name other members expected to be on your team.
What collective aspirations does the department have when it comes to student retention and success? What barriers currently stand in the way of this vision?
What is your department already doing to support students and improve retention? What strategies have had the most impact? What challenges have been most difficult to address?
What unique capabilities does your department bring to student success work? The college is particularly interested in harnessing talent and expertise in these areas: collective impact, student engagement, equity-minded practice, data-informed decision-making and high-impact practices. **See the bottom of this page for more details.**
What aspects of retention planning is your department most interested in learning about (e.g., accessing and organizing student data, interpreting student data and planning next steps, evidence-based retention strategies for underserved student populations, evaluation of impact)? What specific learning objectives do you have for your SRI grant project?
If you did not fill out the sections in this form on-page, please upload ONE document that includes the information requested in those sections.
Accepted file types: docx, pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


More information on the departmental strengths section

Departmental strengths: What unique capabilities does your department bring to student success work? The College is particularly interested in harnessing talent and expertise in the following areas:

  • Collective impact: The alignment of student success efforts toward shared equity goals, through continuous learning, mutually reinforcing activities and consistent communication.
  • Student engagement: Inclusion of students in the strategic planning process and/or as co-creators of the retention initiative
  • Equity-minded practice: A focus on systems change, rather than the creation of new, isolated programs and services
  • Data-informed decision-making: Use of both quantitative and qualitative data for needs assessment and continuous improvement
  • High-impact practices: Strategies found to positively impact retention, especially for underserved student populations
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