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About Academic Mamas

Academic mothers navigate a unique intersection of roles, balancing their professional responsibilities with the joys and challenges of parenthood. This truth was brought to the forefront with the COVID pandemic, but the complex balancing act of motherhood and professional identity has long been recognized in the halls and conversations in academia.  

Having lived the challenges of being academic mothers during the pandemic, the co-founders emerged with a strong desire to make a change in our university community. Our vision of Academic Mamas at Boise State was one of a peer-mentoring and support network that recognized and celebrated both our professional and parental identities.  Such an organization targeted specifically at academic mothers (broadly defined, incorporating all faculty ranks and staff)  was completely lacking from the Boise State community when we founded the group in 2022. Since our founding as a small book circle that met on Zoom, we have worked to address the lack of structured support available to mothers on our campus by organizing Academic Mamas at Boise State. Both co-founders, Jennifer and Elizabeth, volunteer their time and effort to run the organization because they believe strongly that we are stronger together. 

Topics of our monthly meetings have ranged from mindfulness to parenting “out loud” in the workplace, to bringing meaning to family life and ourselves as mothers. We have hosted a popular “speed friending” event to increase connections among members and have brought families together through picnics at local parks. As Academic Mamas at Boise State continues to grow, we remain committed to meeting the evolving needs of our community. We invite our members to actively shape the direction of our organization, ensuring that we remain a place of support and empowerment for academic mothers at Boise State.

Our vision

Our vision is to create a community of mothers to support one another in the complicated process of being a professional and a parent. The pressures to meet multiple obligations and roles can often lead to unique obstacles for academic mothers over the course of their careers. We ultimately see the organization being a peer-mentoring network that offers both emotional, strategic, and practical support for mothers navigating the roles of mother and academic.   

What “mother” means for us

Academic Mamas at Boise State welcomes ANYONE who identifies as a mother or conducts research and advocacy work that centers mothers, mothering, and motherwork. We recognize the wide variety of paths that can create mothers, from birth to adoption to surrogacy to acting as an individual who fosters growth, love, care work and community. 

Our values and mission statement

  • We value community.
  • We value privacy and confidentiality (what you share here is for here).
  • We value you as a whole person, balancing all that life hands you.  You may be able to attend some days and not others.  Come as you are, as you are able.
  • We value mentorship.  Our members are all on different paths in their parenthood journey and we support, encourage and mentor when we are able.
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