Ziortza Gandarias Beldarrain, assistant professor from the Basque Studies program in the Department of World Languages, recently published two articles.
The Center for Basque Studies Press published “Basque Women in Exile: Remembering their Voices and Impact in Literature through the Cultural Magazine Euzko-Gogoa” in the book “Memory and Emotion: Basque Women’s Stories,” which highlights the masculinizing ethics of traditional Basque nationalism and the neglect undergone by many female Basque nationalist writers and activists who were pivotal in the cultural movement under the dictatorial regime of Francisco Franco (1939-1975) underwent.
And Hamaikabide elkartea published “Jokin Zaitegi: Erbestetik Euskal Komunitate Irudikatua Eraikitzen (Jokin Zaitegi: Building the Basque Imagined Community from the Exile),” written in Basque, in the book “Exilio y Humanidades. Rutas de la Cultura (Exile and Humanities. The Roads of the Culture),” which analyzes the importance of place, more concretely Guatemala, where the Basque culture found the perfect space to grow and build their imagined community in the 1950’s. Stating that exile became a fundamental pillar on the modernization and development of the Basque culture and literature.