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Weaver presents on working mothers in academia

Outdoor headshot of Jennifer Weaver, Boise State associate professor of psychology
Jennifer Weaver, Psychology

Jennifer Weaver, an associate professor in the Department of Psychological Science, presented her paper, “The Remote Professor: Making Academia Work for Working Mothers” at the annual meeting of the International Association of Maternal Action + Scholarship held in Boston, MA in June.

According to Weaver, “Remote work can allow us to rethink traditional notions of time and space in education (Qureshi et al, 2024), and in so doing, re-imagine some of the structures that limit the well-being of academic mothers.”

Weaver is a co-founder of the group Academic Mamas, a segment of the Boise State community for anyone who identifies as a mother or conducts research and advocacy work that centers mothers, mothering and motherwork. To learn more about Weaver and her work, visit her website at