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Request For Proposals

Do you have an idea for a new academic program or initiative? Curious about partnering with the College of Innovation and Design? We want to hear from you.

We welcome all proposals, but special consideration will be given to proposals in the areas of:

1) Science, Technology, and Society

2) Interdisciplinary Sports Studies

3) Cutting-Edge Projects Requiring Rapid Funding

CI+D Staff reviews proposals annually each spring. Ideas submitted outside this cycle are still considered.

Contact Amanda Ryan if you have questions.


Curriculum, Certificate, and Program Development

CI+D can provide financial, logistical and intellectual support for developing courses, certificates, and programs that are not easily developed elsewhere on campus and/or that provide course access to all students regardless of major. We are especially interested in courses and certificates that meet workforce demands, provide high-quality experiential learning opportunities for students, have no prerequisites, and can be scaled to accommodate growing enrollments over time. Awards typically do not exceed $10,000.

Workshops and Events

CI+D can help to fund and coordinate workshops or other events for faculty and staff interested in doing strategic or innovative work in the subject areas previously listed. The team leading the SPACE for Innovation and Design can provide planning, logistical, financial, and facilitation support as needed. Awards typically do not exceed $1,000.

Community- and Industry-Engaged Projects

CI+D would like to support community- or industry-engagement efforts that connect faculty and staff efforts in the previously listed subject areas to community/industry via initiatives, partnerships, and other impactful projects. Awards typically do not exceed $10,000.

AI Conference Presentations & Attendance

Faculty can also apply for $1,000 in support to attend a generative AI-focused conference or advanced professional development opportunity, or $2,000 in travel support to a conference or advanced professional development opportunity where they plan to present.

CI+D Welcomes proposals for programming that broadly address the following areas:

Science, Technology, and Society

For faculty who are interested in revising an existing course or developing new curriculum in the area of Science, Technology, and Society (STS) for AY25. We welcome inter- and cross-disciplinary proposals, and special preference will be given to humanities and social sciences scholars seeking to revise or replace existing courses. Not familiar with STS? Here are the kinds of courses you could develop (offered as examples only–you design what you like!):

Science Fiction and the Future of Society

This course explores how science fiction literature has imagined technological change and its societal consequences. From classic works by Mary Shelley and Isaac Asimov to contemporary speculative fiction, students will analyze how authors grapple with issues such as artificial intelligence, climate change, genetic engineering, and space exploration. The course will examine how fiction both reflects and influences scientific and technological advancements.

Technology, Empire, and Global History

This course investigates the role of technology in shaping global history, from the printing press and steam engine to nuclear weapons and the internet. Students will explore how technological innovations have contributed to colonial expansion, industrialization, warfare, and globalization. Through historical case studies, the course will critically examine how power, access, and inequality have shaped technological development across different societies.

The Environmental Impact of Technology

Students in this course investigate how technological advancements shape environmental outcomes, from industrial agriculture and climate change to e-waste and energy systems. The course integrates scientific analysis with social, economic, and ethical considerations to explore sustainable alternatives.

Partnership Details

Request for Proposals

CI+D is seeking partnerships regarding new interdisciplinary innovations, certificate development, workshops and/or events. We will provide selected proposals the resources and support needed to test or launch the idea in their home colleges or departments.

Below are our current areas of focus as a college, but we welcome and are open to all ideas:

  • certificates for first-year students
  • experiential education and workforce skill development
  • online or hybrid programs
  • programs that partner with external entities: professionals in the field, public sector, private sector