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Terry, D., Peck, B., Baker, E., and Schmitz, D. (2024). Self-efficacy, grit, and rural career aspirations among early career nurses: A repeated cross-sectional study. BMC Nursing. 23(50): 1-7.

Terry, D., Peck, B., Elliott, J., East, L., Ryan, L., Baker, E., and Schmitz, D. (2024). The threshold of rural placement frequency and duration: A repeated cross-sectional study examining rural career aspirations among student nurses. Nurse Education in Practice. 77: 103989.

Terry DR, Peck B, Phan H, Hills D, Bishop J, Kirschbaum M, Obamiro KO, Baker E., Schmitz D. Understanding rural pharmacists’ perspectives: lived experiences and insights associated with rural recruitment and retention. Rural and Remote Health 2024;: 8687.

Terry, D., Peck, B., Hills, D., Bishop, J., Kirschbaum, M., Obamoro, K., Phan, H., Baker, E. & Schmitz. D.  Sustaining rural pharmacy workforce understanding key attributes for enhanced retention and recruitment.  Australian Journal of Rural Health. 2022; 00: 1– 12.

Terry, D., Peck, B., Hills, D., Bishop, J., Kirschbaum, M., Obamoro, K., Phan, H., Baker, E. & Schmitz. D.  The Pharmacist Community Apgar Questionnaire: a modified Delphi technique to develop a rural pharmacist recruitment and retention tool.  Rural and Remote Health 2022; 7347.

Terry, D., Peck, B. & Baker, E. (2021).  Self-efficacy, grit and perceptions of rural employment: What changes, if any, occur as students become registered nurses?  Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, 21(2): 44-68.

Terry, D., Phan, D., Peck, B., Hills, D., Kirschbaum, M., Bishop, J., Obamiro, K., Hoang, H., Nguyen, H., Baker, E., and Schmitz, D. (2021). Factors contributing to the recruitment and retention of rural pharmacist workforce: A Systematic review. BMC Health Service Research. 21:1052.

Terry, D.; Peck, B.; Baker, E.; Schmitz, D. (2021).  The Rural Nursing Workforce Hierarchy of Needs: Decision-Making concerning Future Rural Healthcare Employment. Healthcare. 9, 1232.

Terry, D., Peck, B., Smith, A. Stevenson, T., Nguyen, H. & Baker, E. (2020).  What Australian nursing students value as important in undertaking rural practice.  Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care. 20(1):32-56.

Stutzman, K., Ray Karpen R., Naidoo P., Toevs, SE., Weidner, A., Baker, E. & Schmitz, D. (2020).  Support for rural practice:  Female physicians and the life-career interface.  Rural and Remote Health. 20: 5341.

Begic, S., Weaver, J. M., & McDonald, T. W. (2019). Risk and protective factors for secondary traumatic stress and burnout among home visitors. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 29, 137-159. doi:10.1080/10911359.2018.1496051

Terry, D., Peck, B., Smith, A. Stevenson, T. & Baker, E. (2019).  Is nursing student personality important for considering a rural career?  Journal of Health Organization and Management [JHOM-03-2019-0074.R1].

Terry, D.R., Nguyen, H.B., Schmitz, D., & Baker, E. (2018).  Lived experiences and insights into the advantages important to rural recruitment and retention of general practitioners. Rural and Remote Health, 18, 4561.

Phillips, M. A., McDonald, T. W., & Kishbaugh, D. I. (2017). Using evidence-based home visiting for preventing intergenerational adverse childhood experiences. Psychology8, 2516-2533.

Prengaman, M., Terry, D., Schmitz, D. & Baker, E. (2017).  The Nursing Community Apgar Questionnaire in rural Australia:  An evidence based approach to recruiting and retaining nurses.  Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, 17(2), 148-171.  Available:

Baker, E., Schmitz, D., Marshall, J. & MacKenzie, L. (2017). What factors do critical access hospital trustee/board members believe are important to recruitment of physicians and do they differ from hospital administrators and physicians?  Journal of Hospital Administration, 6(3), 33-40.

Reed, A., Schmitz, D., Baker, E., Girvan, J., & McDonald, T. (2017). Assessment of factors for recruiting and retaining medical students to rural communities using the Community Apgar Questionnaire. Family Medicine49, 132-136.

Terry, D., Baker, E. & Schmitz, D. (2016).  Community assets and capabilities to recruit and retain GPs: The Community Apgar Questionnaire in rural Victoria.  Rural and Remote Health; 16: 3990.  (Online) 2016.  Available:

Baker, E., Schmitz, D., Brasil, S. & MacKenzie, L. (2016).  Idaho rural physician technology usage over time.  Journal of Hospital Administration, 5, 6, 14-18. doi: 10.5430/jha.v5n6p14.

Schmitz, D., Baker, E., MacKenzie, L., Kinney, L. & Epperly, T. (2015). Assessing Idaho Rural Family Physician Scope of Practice Over Time. Journal of Rural Health, 31(3), 292-299.

Baker E., Schmitz, D., MacKenzie, L., Morris, B. & Epperly, T. (2014). Rural community variation in physician recruitment readiness. Journal of Health Sciences, 2 (8), 393-401.

McDonald, T. W., Curtis-Schaeffer, A. K., Theiler, A. A, & Howard, E. K. M. (2014). Providers’ perceptions of prevalent mental health problems: Differences and similarities across urban, rural, and frontier regions. Journal of Rural Mental Health, 38, 36-39. doi:10:1037/rmh0000009.

Prengaman MV, Bigbee, JL, Baker, E, Schmitz, DF. Development of the Nursing Community Apgar Questionnaire (NCAQ): A rural nurse recruitment and retention tool.  Rural and Remote Health 14:2633. (online) 2014. Available:

Begic, S., Howard, E. K. M., & McDonald, T. W. (2013). Adults’ alcohol consumption behavior and support for restrictions on youth-oriented alcohol advertisements. American Journal of Applied Psychology, 2, 22-30. doi:10.11648/j.ajap.20130203.11

McDonald, T. W., Chown, E., Tabb, J. E., Schaeffer, A. K., & Howard, E. K. M. (2013). The Impact of Volunteering on Seniors’ Health and Quality of Life: An Assessment of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program.  Psychology, 4 (3a), 283-290.

Baker, E., Schmitz, D., Wasden, S., MacKenzie, L. & Epperly, T. Assessing Community Health Center (CHC) Assets and Capabilities for recruiting Physicians:  The CHC Community Apgar Questionnaire.  Rural and Remote Health 12:2179. (Online) 2012. Available:

Reed, A., Schmitz, D., Baker, E. Nukui, A. & Epperly, T. (2012).  Association of “grit” and satisfaction in rural and non-rural doctors.  The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 25 (6), 832-839.

Schmitz, D. F., Baker, E., Nukui, A. & Epperly, T.  Idaho Rural Family Physician Workforce Study:  the Community Apgar Questionnaire. Rural and Remote Health, 11 (online), 2011: 1769.  Available from:

McDonald, T. W., & Pritchard, M. E. (2010). Mental health and substance abuse issues among Native Americans living on a remote reservation: Results from a community survey. Journal of Rural Community Psychology, E13.

Baker, E., Schmitz, D., Epperly, T., Nukui, A. & Miller, C. (2010). Rural Idaho family physicians’ scope of practice.  Journal of Rural Health26(1), 85-89.

Collins, P., Cooper, J., Horn, B., Stohr, M., Walsh, A., Bostaph, L. & Baker, E. (2010). The cost of substance abuse: The use of administrative data to investigate treatment benefits in a rural mountain state.  Western Criminology Review11(3), 13-28.

Springer, P., Lind, B., Kratt, J, Baker E. & Clavelle, J. (2009).  Preventing employee injury: Implementation of a lift team.  AAOHN Journal57(4), 143-148.

Roscoe, C., Baker, E., Johnston, E., Sandven, T., Gustafson, C. & Dow, J. (2008). Carbon monoxide exposure on Denali: Comparing the 2004 and 2005 climbing seasons. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine19(1), 15-21.

Begic, S., & McDonald, T. W. (2006). The psychological effects of exposure to wartime trauma in Bosnian residents and refugees: Implications for treatment and service provision. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 4, 319-329.

Pritchard, M. E., & McDonald, T. W. (2006). Relations of parental status and alcohol use patterns and attitudes about underage drinking. Psychological Reports, 98, 414-416.


Begic, S., Butterfield, A., & Egba, O. (2024). I am a Good Parent: Bolstering Parental Confidence within a Strength-based relationship-oriented approach. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association Conference, Brighton, UK.

Terry, D., Elliott, J., East, L., Ryan, L., Peck, B., Baker, E., Schmitz, D. (2024).  Rural placement frequency and duration among student nurses: A repeated cross-sectional study.  The 17th National Rural Health Conference, Perth, WA, Australia.

Terry, D., Peck, B., Baker, E., and Schmitz, D. (2024). Identifying factors that really matter: Improving the recruitment and retention of pharmacists in rural communities. Ubuntu 2024 20th WONCA World Rural Health Conference. Cape Town, South Africa.

Schmitz, D., Kusler, S. & Baker, E. (2024).  Rural Hospital CEO Recruitment and Retention Community Apgar.  National Rural Health Association 47th Annual Conference and Rural Hospital Innovation Summit, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Butterfield, A., E., Wichmann, R.., & Begic, S. (2023). Childhood Abuse as a Predictor of Intimate Partner Violence and Criminal Behavior. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM.

Butterfield, A., E., Wichmann, R.., & Begic, S. (2022). Childhood Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence, and Criminal Behavior Among Parents Participating in the Home Visiting Program. Poster presented at the Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research, Boise, ID.

Glodt, A., Begic, S., Toevs, S. E., & Schafer, E. J. (2022). Normalization of Virtual Home Visiting in Idaho. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA.

Snow, L. & Begic, S. (2022). Using Relationship-Based Approach to Foster Parental Confidence and Improve Outcomes for Families with Young Children. Poster presented at the Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research, Boise, ID.

Terry, D., Peck, B., Baker, E., and Schmitz, D. (2022). Rural Nursing Workforce Hierarchy of Needs: Decision-making regarding future rural healthcare employment. 16th National Rural Health Conference, Perth, Australia.

Terry, D., Phan, H., Peck, B., Hills, D., Kirschbaum, M., Bishop, J., Obamiro, K., Hoang, H., Nguyen, H., Baker, E., and Schmitz, D. (2022). Recruitment and retention of rural pharmacists in Australia: What factors really matter? 16th National Rural Health Conference, Perth, Australia.

Terry, D. Hoang, P., Peck, B., Hills, D., Kirschbaum, M., Bishop, J., Obamiro, K., Hoang, H., Nguyen, H., Baker, E. & Schmitz, D. (2022). Sustaining rural pharmacy workforce:  Understanding key attributes for enhanced retention and recruitment.  Medicines Management 2021, the 46th SHPA National Conference.  Adelaide Convention Centre, SA, Australia.

Jacoba, M., Brown, C., Johnson A., Bukkhegyi, M., & Begic, S. (2022). Parent’s Perspective on the Effectiveness of the Home Visiting Program. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.

Bukkhegyi, M., Jacoba, M., Brown, C., Johnson, A., & Begic, S. (2022). Transition to Fatherhood: The Perspective of First-Time Fathers Participating in the Home Visiting Program. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.

Johnson, A., Brown, C., Bukkhegyi, M., Jacoba, M., & Begic, S. (2022). Breaking the Cycle of ‘Poor Parenting’ Through Compassionate Service. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.

Kisler, S., & Begic, S. (2020). The Effectiveness of Youth-centered Suicide Prevention Programs: The Case of a Longstanding Peer-Led Program in Alaska. Poster presented at the Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research in Boise, ID.

Terry, D., Peck, B., Smith, A. & Baker, E. (2019).  What nursing students value as important in undertaking rural practice: A cross-sectional study.  The Australian College of Nursing, National Nursing Forum, Nursing Now – Power of Policy Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

Terry, D., Peck, B., Smith, A. & Baker, E. (2019).  What does personality have to do with rural nursing?  Career intentions among nursing students.  The Australian College of Nursing, National Nursing Forum, Nursing Now – Power of Policy Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

Marshall, J. J., Burton, D., Begic, S., & McDonald, T. W. (2018). The prevalence of adverse childhood experiences among detained juveniles in Idaho: Results of a pilot study. Poster presentation at the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.

Marshall, J. J., Burton, D., & McDonald, T. W. (2017). The prevalence of mental health and substance abuse problems in detained juveniles in Idaho: Gender differences and practice implications. Paper presentation at the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.

Baker, E., Schmitz, D., Marshall, J. & MacKenzie, L. (2017). Trustee perceptions of factors important for physician recruitment.  Plenary presentation at the National Rural Health Association’s 2017 Critical Access Hospital Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.

Schmitz, D., Terry, D., MacKenzie, L. & Baker, E. (2017).  Community Apgar: International comparison of community capabilities to recruit and retain physicians.  14th National Rural Health Conference, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Schmitz, D., Baker, E., Barclay, M., Shimmens, M. & Terry, D. (2016). Innovations in rural physician recruitment and retention. National Rural Health Association’s 39th Annual Rural Health Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Terry, D., Schmitz, D., Bourke, L. & Baker, E. (2016). Recruitment and retention of rural physicians in Australia.National Rural Health Association’s 39th Annual Rural Health Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Schmitz, D., Doty, B., MacKenzie, L. & Baker, E. (2015). Community Apgar Program – International Workshop. World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians (WONCA) World Rural Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Prengaman, M., Baker, E. & Schmitz, D. (2015). The Nursing Community Apgar Program Phases I-IV. Western Institute of Nursing’s 48th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference, Albuquerque, NM.

Baker, E., Schmitz, D. & MacKenzie, L. (2014). Using the Community Health Center Community Apgar Program to Bolster Physician Workforce in Underserved Communities. National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) Annual Conference, the Community Health Institute. San Diego, CA.

Prengaman, M., Baker, E. & Schmitz, D. (2014).  The Nursing Community Apgar Program Phase IV.  2014 International Rural Health & Rural Nursing Research Conference.  Bozeman, Montana.

Reed, A., Schmitz, D., Girvan, J. & Baker, E. (2014).  Rural Workforce Development from the Perspective of the Medical Student: Assessment of Factors for Recruiting and Retaining Medical Students to Rural Communities using the Community Apgar Questionnaire.  Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) 47thAnnual Spring Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Baker, E., Schmitz, D. & MacKenzie, L. (2014). Idaho Rural Physician Scope of Practice Longitudinal Study.  National Rural Health Association 37th Annual Rural Health Conference, Las Vegas Nevada.

Schmitz, D., Baker, E., Epperly, T., Doty, B. & MacKenzie, L. (2014). The Community Apgar Project: Evidence and Action for Rural Family Physician Recruitment.  World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians (WONCA) World Rural Conference, Gramado, Brazil.

Schmitz, D., Davis, K. & Baker, E. (2014). Rural Family Physician Scope of Practice and Satisfaction.  World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians (WONCA) World Rural Conference, Gramado, Brazil.

Prengaman, M., Baker, E. & Schmitz, D. (2014). The Nursing Community Apgar Program.  Western Institute of Nursing’s 47th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference, Seattle, WA.

Schmitz, D., Baker, E. & MacKenzie, L. (2014). Idaho Rural Physician Workforce: A Five Year Perspective.  Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA.

Begic, S., Toussaint, L. L., Lindsay, S. M., Howard, E. K. M., & McDonald, T. W. (2013). Role of Gender and Traumatic Experiences in Predicting Mental Health Problems in Juvenile Detainees. The annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in Boston, MA.

Schmitz, D., Baker, E., Dody, B. & Epperly, T. (2013). A Recruitment Tool for Rural Family Physicians: The Community Apgar Project.  World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians (WONCA) World Rural Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.

Baker, E. & Schmitz, D. (2013). Comparing Critical Access Hospital Physician Recruitment Factors Across Five States.   36th Annual National Rural Health Association Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.

Prengaman, M., Baker, E. & Schmitz, D. (2013). Nursing  Community Apgar Questionnaire: An Innovative Tool for Rural Nurse Recruitment and Retention.  Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA.

Schmitz, D. & Baker, E. (2013).  Community Apgar Program: A Tool for Improving the Recruitment and Retention of Rural Communities – An Assets and Capabilities Assessment: Experiences from Maine and Review of National Data.  Recruitment and Retention Forum 2013, Phoenix, AZ.

Doty, B., Schmitz, D. & Baker, E. (2012). Assessing Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Assets and Capabilities for Recruiting and Retaining Physicians: The Alaska CHC Community Apgar Program.  World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians (WONCA) World Rural Conference, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada.

Howard, E. K. M., McDonald, T. W., & Begic, S. (2012). Mental Health Screening in Idaho’s Juvenile Detention Centers: Results of a Four-year Evaluation. Annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA.

McDonald, T. W., & Begic, S. (2012).  Idaho Adult Perceptions of Underage Drinking. Paper accepted for presentation at the July 2012 5th Annual Northwest Alcohol Conference in Boise, ID.

Schmitz, D.Baker, E. & Ortiz, A. (2012). Assessing Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Assets and Capabilities for Recruiting and Retaining Physicians: The North Dakota CAH Community Apgar Program.  2012 Annual Dakota Conference on Rural and Public Health, Grand Forks, ND.

Schmitz, D., Baker, E. & Epperly, T. (2012). Comparing Critical Access Hospital Physician Recruitment Factors Across Four Northern States.   8th Annual Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Physician Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Baker, E. & Schmitz, D. (2012). Comparing Critical Access Hospital Physician Recruitment and Retention Factors across Three WWAMI States.  Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA.

Toussaint, L. L., & McDonald, T. W. (2011). Rural-urban Differences in Health-related Impairment and Substance Use: The Role of Religiousness as a Mediator/moderator. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Rural Mental Health Association, Dubuque, IA.

Prengaman, M., Bigbe, J., Baker, E. & Schmitz, D. (2011). Piloting the Nursing Community Apgar Questionnaire (NCAQ).  Paper presented at the Western Institute of Nursing: 44th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

McDonald, T. W., Osgood, L. S., & VanNess, E. M. (2010). Mental Health and Substance Abuse Problems among Detained Juveniles: Disturbing Prevalence. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO.

Schmitz, D. & Baker, E. (2010). Assessing Federally Qualified Community Health Center (FQHC) Assets and Capabilities for Recruiting and Retaining Family Physicians: FQHC Community Apgar Questionnaire.  Research presented at the National Association of Community Health Centers 2010 Financial, Operations Management/Information Technology Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Reed, A., Schmitz, D., Baker, E., Nukui, A. & Epperly, T. (2010).  Examining the Trait or Grit and Satisfaction in Rural and Non-rural Primary Care and Specialty Care Physicians.  Paper presented at the North American Primary Care Research Group Conference, Seattle, WA.

Prengaman, M., Bigbe, J., Baker, E. & Schmitz, D. (2010). Development of the Nursing Community Apgar Questionnaire (NCAQ).  Paper presented at the Western Institute of Nursing: 43rd Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference, Glendale, AZ.

Theiler, A. A., & McDonald, T. W. (2010). Urban-rural Differences in the Prevalence of Mental Health Problems: An Explanation for Discrepant Findings. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO.

Schmitz, D. & Baker, E. (2010).  Assessing Community Health Center Assets and Capabilities for Recruiting and Retaining Family Physicians:  The CHC Community Apgar Questionnaire.  Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA.

Kenny, G., Marton, J., Talbert, J., Klein, A., Pelletier, J., Costich, J. & Baker, E. (2009). Effects of Medicaid and CHIP Policies on Service use among Children in Kentucky and Idaho.  Paper presented at the 31st Annual Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Kenny, G., Klein, A., Pelletier, J., Marton, J., Talbert, J., Costich, J. & Baker, E (2009). Effects of Medicaid and CHIP Policy Changes on Receipt of Preventive Care among Children in Idaho and Kentucky.  Paper presented at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Schmitz, D., Baker, E., Epperly, T. & Reed, A. (2009). A Review of Three Years of Collaborative Research on Recruitment and Retention of Rural Family Medicine Physicians in Idaho.  Research presented at the 32nd Annual National Rural Health Association Conference, Miami, FL.

Schmitz, D. & Baker, E. (2009). Apgar Tool for Recruiting and Retaining Rural Family Medicine Physicians.  Research presented at the 22nd Annual Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference: Planting the Seeds: Transforming Rural Health Through Local Programs and Strategies, Spokane, WA.

Baker, E. & Schmitz, D. (2008). Idaho Family Medicine Physician Rural Workforce Study.  Paper presented at the 21st Annual Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference: Creating a Thriving Rural Workforce, Health System, and Community.  Spokane, WA.

McDonald, T. W., Mohan, R., Shea, M. E., & Parrish, C. A. (2008). University-governmental Evaluation Collaboration: Opportunities for Student Learning and Practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Boise, ID.

McDonald, T. W., Mohan, R., Shea, M. E., & Tatro, J. G. (2008). Management Practices and Employee Retention: Reducing Turnover in Health and Welfare Organizations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA.

McDonald, T. W., Osgood, L. S., & Crabtree, M. (2008). Rural Mental Health Access: A Crisis in Public Mental Health? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA.

Mohan, R., Zajano, N., McDonald, T. W., & Thomas, R. (2008). Risks and Rewards of Conducting Politically Sensitive and Highly Visible Evaluations. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Denver, CO.

Shea, M. E., Tatro, J. G., Mohan, R., & McDonald, T. W. (2008). Predictors of morale and job satisfaction among social service workers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Boise, ID.

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