If you need a permission number to register for a Chemistry course, please send an email to chemistry@boisestate.edu with the following information:
- Student Name (First and Last)
- Student ID #
- Student Email Address
- Major
- Semester (Spring, Summer, or Fall)
- Course Requested (Be advised that CHEM101, CHEM111, and CHEM112 require a co-requisite lab): Lecture Section Number and 5-digit Class Number or Lab Section Number and 5-digit Class Number, if applicable
- Please indicate if you have taken the prerequisite course(s) **Required prerequisites for each course can be found in the Boise State Academic Catalog
Please also indicate the reason you are requesting a permission number, i.e.:
- Prerequisite taken at another institution (Unofficial Transcript required to process request)
- Prerequisite met with test score (Proof of Test Scores required to process request)
- Adding class late
- Switching sections
- Other (please provide any further details or explanation of your request)
If you have completed or are currently taking a prerequisite course at another institution, or if you have met the prerequisite with test scores you must attach a copy of your unofficial transcript or test scores.