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Lisa Warner, Ph.D.


Associate Professor



Office: ERB 3125

Phone: (208) 426-2260

Research Interests:

  • Structural Biochemistry
  • Protein Chemistry
  • Drug discovery
  • Spectroscopy

Research and Publications

Undergraduate Research Assistant

What courses would you recommend students have taken prior to working in your laboratory? 

General Chemistry, ideally Organic and Analytical, but you will be considered even if you have not. Sign up for VIP 200 if you are in Freshman or Sophomore year.

How many hours per week do you expect a student to spend in the laboratory per research credit and does the time have to be a set schedule?

10 hours per week is pretty typical. When you are new to the lab, you will need to adhere to a set schedule.

Ideally, for what length of time would a student research in your laboratory to achieve a meaningful research experience?

1 year including a summer internship provides adequate time to develop research skills and to engage in a meaningful research experience.

Educational Background

2011: Ph.D. – Biochemistry | University of Colorado

2002: B.S. – Chemistry | Boise State University

Research Overview

DrLARP6 LaM and DrLARP6 LaM + Col1A1 MRNA

Protein and RNA interactions

We use integrated structural biology to tackle questions about the structure and function of proteins, RNAs, and complexes in solution.

Scientific figure
“Time resolved spectra of total isotope incorporation and intracellular isotope incorporation” The figure has three panels labeled A, B, and C. Panel A is a Gas-tight NMR tube. Panel B is called Time resolved spectra of total isotope incorporation. It shows a graph with Chemical Shift (ppm) on the x-axis and “time” on the y-axis. There are several lines plotted on the graph, which appear to show isotope incorporation over time. Panel C is titled Time resolved spectra of intracellular isotope incorporation. It also shows a graph with Chemical Shift (ppm) on the x-axis and time on the y-axis. There are several lines plotted on the graph, which appear to show isotope incorporation over time.

In-cell NMR

Our goal is to develop in-cell NMR techniques in order to build metabolic flux models of carbon utilization in microbes that are important in biofuels/chemicals production. In collaboration with scientists at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), we use NMR to detect the conversion of single atom isotope labeled metabolite tracers in living cells.

Structure-based drug design

We work together on teams of researchers aiming to develop next-generation drugs for the treatment of diseases including cancer and heart disease.

Select Publications (2018-2021)

Mass, O., Tuccinardi, J., Woodbury, L., Wolf, C., Grantham, Bri., Pu, X., King, M.D., Warner, D.L., Jorcyk, C., Warner, L.R., “Bioactive Recombinant Human Oncostatin M for NMR-based Screening in Drug Discovery.” Sci. Rep. (in revision) (2021)

Cantrell, M.S., Soto-Avellaned, A., Wall, J.D., Ajeti, A.D., Morrison, B.E., Warner, L.R., McDougal, O.E., “Repurposing drugs to treat heart and brain illness.” Pharmaceuticals in press. (2021)

Oxford, J. T., … Warner, L.R. et al. “Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in Matrix Biology: Building Research Infrastructure, Supporting Young Researchers, and Fostering Collaboration.” Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 2141 (2020).

Marquart, L.A., Turner, M.W., Warner, L.R., King, M.D., Groome, J.R., & McDougal, O.M. (2019). “Ribbon α-Conotoxin KTM Exhibits Potent Inhibition of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors.” Marine Drugs17 (12) 669.

Warner, L.R., Mass, O., Lenn, N.D., Grantham, B.R., Oxford, J.T. (2018) “Growing and Handling of Bacterial Cultures within a Shared Core Facility for Integrated Structural Biology Program”, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.81932.

Pabis, M., Popowicz, G.M., Stehle, R., Fernández-Ramos, D., Asami, S., Warner, L.R., García-Mauriño, S.M., Schlundt, A., Martínez-Chantar, M.L., Díaz-Moreno, I., Sattler, M. (2018) “HuR biological function involves RRM3-mediated dimerization and RNA binding by all three RRMs”, Nucleic Acids Research, 47, 1011–1029. DOI:

Select Grants (2018-2021)

7/1/2019 ­- 5/1/2022

Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in Matrix Biology Phase II – National Institutes of Health

8/1/2019 – 7/31/2022

Mechanistic Investigation on Carrier Protein Recognition in Quorum Sensing Synthases – National Science Foundation

6/1/2020 – 5/31/2022

Using Fortilin Inhibitors to Halt Atherosclerosis Year 2020 – University of Washington/NIH pass thru

5/1/2021 – 4/30/2024

Regulation of Collagen Type I Expression by Chaperone-Mediated mRNA Remodeling – National Institutes of Health / DHHD

10/1/2019 – 9/30/2022

Molecular Mechanisms of the Posttranscriptional Regulatro LARP6 – Texas State University

9/15/2017 – 8/31/2021

RII Track-4: using in cell NMR to follow 13C-fluxomics in Living Cells – National Science Foundation