The two DSCs use an array of up to 120 thermocouples to measure heat flow of samples. The temperature range heats up to 500 C with a cooling rate of up to 50 K/min and heating rate of up to 300 K/min. The instrument has two kinds of sensors, full-range (FRS) for all general applications and high sensitivity (HSS) for weak effects. The STARe software can run both instruments simultaneously on one computer.
The Bruker HCTultra ETD II PTM Discovery System mass spectrometer utilizes electrospray ionization (ESI) and an ion trap mass analyzer. With a scanning range of 50 – 3000 m/z and MS(n) capabilities. This mass spectrometer is well suited for research in proteomics and metabolomics, among others. The HCTultra is compatible with a kdScientific direct injection syringe pump with adjustable flow rate from 0.01 – 500 µL/min, and can also be coupled with the Agilent 1100 series HPLC.Â
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
The Department has two Agilent Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrophotometers. These fluorimeters feature a wider spectral range of 190 – 1,100 nm, and a red-sensitive R928 PMT detection system capable of a 1.5 nm limiting resolution. The Eclipse 1.2 software offers four data collection modes: fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemi/bio-luminescence, and time resolved phosphorescence.Â
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
The Varian Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrophotometer features dual Czerny-Turner 0.125 m monochromators, a xenon flash lamp with a spectral range of 200 – 900 nm, and a red-sensitive R928 PMT detection system capable of a 1.5 nm limiting resolution. This fluorimeter is also equipped with a 4-cell sample holder and PCB 150 Peltier water system with a working temperature range of 20 – 60 °C. The Eclipse 1.2 software offers four data collection modes: fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemi/bio-luminescence, and time resolved phosphorescence.Â
There are two PerkinElmer Spectrum 2 FTIR spectrometers in the department. Both are equipped with a diamond Universal ATR device and LiTaO3 detector with a signal-to-noise ratio of 9,300:1. The improved optical system enables data collection from 8,300 – 350 cm-1 and a resolution of 0.5 cm-1. Additional accessories include a Specac Storm 10 Pyrex gas cell and an International Crystal Labs CaF2 liquid cell.Â
There are also two PerkinElmer Spectrum 100 FTIR spectrometers in the department. Both are equipped with a diamond/ZnSe Universal ATR device and a DTGS detector. The optical system enables data collection from 7,800 – 370 cm-1 with a resolution of 0.5 cm-1. The Spectrum 100 includes the APV filter wheel for automatic performance testing of standard reference materials. Additional accessories include a Specac Storm 10 Pyrex gas cell and an International Crystal Labs CaF2 liquid cell.Â
The department also has two Thermo Scientific Nicolet Summit FTIR spectrometers, each equipped with the Everest diamond ATR accessory and a fast-recovery DTGS detector with a signal-to-noise ratio of 35,000:1. The LightDriveâ„¢ optical engine enables a spectral range of 8,000 – 350 cm-1 and spectral resolution of better than 0.6 cm-1.Â
This Thermo Scientific Trace GC Ultra gas chromatograph utilizes a flame ionization detector (FID) for sensitive, reliable, and universal detection. This instrument is also equipped with a split-splitless injector, as well as an AS 1310 autosampler with a 155-position sample tray. Data acquisition and analysis is performed using Xcalibur software.
The Trace 1300 gas chromatograph enables instant-connect injector and detector modules for increased flexibility. It supports a temperature range of 3-450 °C with a 4-minute cool-down time. It utilizes a split-splitless injector and an AS 1310 autosampler with a 155-position sample tray. The GC coupled with the ISQ 7000 single quadrupole mass spectrometer with a 1.2 – 1100 AMU mass range, and is capable of full scan and SIM scanning modes.Â
The Trace GC Ultra supports a maximum temperature of 450 °C, utilizes a split-splitless injector, as well as an AS 3000 autosampler with a 105-position sample tray. The GC is coupled with the ITQ 900 ion trap mass spectrometer with a 10 – 900 AMU mass range, electron impact or chemical ionization capabilities, full scan or MS(n) scan modes, and a direct insertion probe. Data acquisition and analysis is performed using Xcalibur software.
The Agilent 1100 Series high-performance liquid chromatograph is equipped with a quaternary gradient elution pump, solvent degasser, column heating up to 80 °C, and a 100-position autosampler. The system is capable of up to a 10 ml/min flow rate and 400 bar of pressure. The UV-Vis photodiode array detector enables a wavelength range from 190 – 950 nm, capable of monitoring up to five wavelengths simultaneously as well as full spectrum monitoring. Fluorescence detection and MS coupling are also available.Â
The Varian Vista-Pro CCD Simultaneous ICP-OES is capable of analyzing up to 73 elements in under a minute. The instrument is controlled using ICP Expert software, with a built-in wavelength library that includes 32,000 spectral lines for accurate and interferent-free analysis. The VistaChipâ„¢ CCD detector provides full wavelength coverage from 167 – 785 nm, and produces calibrations with a linear dynamic range from parts per billion to percent levels.
Microplate Reader
The BioTek Synergy H1 is a hybrid multi-mode microplate reader that is capable of fluorescence intensity, fluorescence polarization, time-resolved fluorescence, luminescence, and UV-Vis absorbance detection methods. Additional capabilities include incubation heating up to 45 °C and internal plate shaking, with support for 6-, 12-, 48-, 96, and 384-well microplate reading.Â
The Thermo Scientific NanoDrop 2000c spectrophotometer is capable of full spectral UV-Vis scanning (190 – 840 nm) for quantification and purity assessment of DNA, RNA, and proteins in under five seconds. The NanoDrop analyzes 0.5 – 2.0 µL sample sizes with both direct sampling on the pedestal and cuvette compatibility.
Thermal Cycler
The Applied Biosystems SimpliAmp Thermal Cycler is designed for the amplification of nucleic acids using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) process. The SimpliAmp is controlled using a touchscreen interface for programming sequences and monitoring reaction parameters. Use of the VeriFlexâ„¢ blocks allow for optimization of three independent temperature zones, and the software contains a library of thermal simulation modes to replicate other PCR experiments.
UV-Vis spectrophotometers
The  UV-Vis spectrophotometer is a dual-beam instrument, equipped with a Czerny-Turner monochromator, a full-spectrum xenon pulse lamp with a 190 – 1,100 nm range, and dual Si diode detectors capable of a 1.5 nm limiting resolution. The WinUV 5.0 software includes various applications such as: simple and advanced reads, scan, concentration, kinetics, and RNA-DNA estimation. One of the two Cary 50’s in the department is equipped with a Neslab RTE 7 circulating bath with a working temperature range of 0 – 100 °C and an 18-cell sample holder.
UV-Vis spectrophotometers
There are five Agilent Cary 60 UV-Vis spectrophotometers in the department, which have identical components and specs to the Varian Cary 50 Bio. The WinUV 5.1 software includes various applications such as: simple and advanced reads, scan, concentration, kinetics, and RNA-DNA estimation.
UV-Vis spectrophotometers
The Varian Cary 100 Bio UV-Vis spectrophotometer is a dual-beam instrument, equipped with a Czerny-Turner 0.278 m monochromator, a tungsten halogen visible source and deuterium arc UV source with a 190 – 900 nm range, and a R928 PMT detection system capable of a 0.24 nm limiting resolution. The WinUV 4.2 software includes various applications such as: simple and advanced reads, scan, concentration, kinetics, RNA-DNA estimation, and thermal applications.