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Brice Jurban

Visiting Lecturer

Office: SCNC 318


Phone: (208) 426-3000

Educational Background

2023: Secondary Teaching Certification (IDoTeach) | Boise State University

2016: M.S. Chemistry | University of Washington

2012: B.S. Biochemistry | University of Michigan

About Me

I developed a deep passion for chemistry at a young age, sparked by my father, Michael, an analytical wastewater chemist. Visiting his lab and witnessing the array of notebooks, chemical reagents, and advanced instrumentation fueled my curiosity. Additionally, my high-school chemistry teacher, Mrs. Hillard, played a crucial role by encouraging me to be an experimentalist and to explore chemistry through research projects.

I attended Michigan for my undergrad and grew even more interested in science from my professors. I particularly enjoyed organic chemistry which led me to become a tutor and study group leader. In 2011 I joined Dr. W. L. Smith’s enzymology research group, which has made the greatest influence on my career. At this time, I found myself torn between pursuing medical school or graduate school, and the passion I found in my research project on cyclooxygenase made the decision a little easier. I moved to Seattle in 2013 to study peptide folding using NMR methods under the guidance of Dr. Niels Andersen. Learning how to synthesize, purify, and characterize large molecules refined my skillset as a chemist. Concurrently, my role as a lab instructor during my graduate studies presented me with an opportunity to explore a more active role in science education.

Since then, I have gained experience as a lab technician, an associate in research, and a para-educator and in 2021, I joined the faculty at BSU as a lab instructor. Over the course of the past two years, I have taught a range of lab courses including CHEM 111L, 112L, 308, 310, and 432. Furthermore, during the 2022-23 academic year, I completed a secondary ed preparation program through IDoTeach at Boise State to better prepare for my career in education. I’m delighted to start this year as a visiting lecturer at BSU where I will be teaching general chemistry. My continuing research interests are diverse including the philosophy and history of science, protein folding, and spectroscopy. In my free time, I enjoy road-biking, reading science fiction, recreational math, and spending time with my friends and family.