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Brian McClain, Ph.D.

Brian McClain, Ph.D.

Associate Clinical Professor

Office: SCNC 309


Phone: (208) 426-3476

Educational and Professional Journey

Educational Background

Educational Background

2005: Post Doctoral Associate | Stanford University

2002: Ph.D. | Purdue University

1996: B.S. | California State University, Chico

About Me

I’ve had a love for science since I was seven years old, knowing that it was the career I wanted to pursue.  As a freshman in high school, I knew that I wanted to become a chemist.  I loved the idea of knowing how things worked and being able to understand nature at the molecular level.  I credit starting out at Sierra Community College with a large portion of my success.  Having direct contact with engaged faculty really helped me find the confidence to succeed in challenging science and math courses.  I completed my bachelors degree with minors in math and physics from California State University Chico.  From there I attended Purdue University where I obtained my Ph.D. using Raman spectroscopy to measure chemical reactions at extreme pressure to develop liquid theories. I followed my Ph.D. with a postdoc position at Stanford University in the lab of Michael Fayer where I studied the kinetics of the allosteric transition in hemoglobin using ultrafast infrared echo spectroscopy.

My interests lie at the intersection between protein-ligand interactions, thermodynamics, and spectroscopy.  Specifically, I’m interested in the competitive binding between endogenous and exogenous ligands in human serum albumin using site-directed mutagenesis and isothermal titration calorimetry.  Throughout my entire career, I’ve always had an insatiable love to teach and excite students about the amazing world that is controlled by molecular reactions and to help students understand that world a little bit more.

Favorite quote: “Chance favors the prepared mind.” – Louis Pasteur