Video Transcript
[Nick van Santen, Associate Director, Experiential Learning]: Hello, my name is Nick van Santen, and I want you to consider applying to Work U spring of 2021. For those who don’t know Work U is a three-credit, upper division class that gives you 10 hours a week of professional development, on the job experience, with over a hundred different opportunities throughout the Treasure Valley. This year we’re excited to also offer the opportunity for you to apply and create your own Work U opportunity, meaning if you have connections with a local nonprofit, business, area that you’re already serving and working in we would like you to consider applying to Work U and creating your own opportunity to get the necessary credits and support that you need. Some of the things that we’ll offer in the classroom component which happens once a week is resume building skills, interviewing skills, and learning more about the types of strengths and pathways to develop your career, and to think more reflective about what you’re going to do after you’re done with Boise State. For more information please consider checking out Work U on our Career Services website for Boise State where you can apply now. And now listen a little bit to hear what some of our other students and alums have talked about with their Work U experience.
[Mary Frances-Bir, senior, Work U intern]: As a student athlete I’ve been, I haven’t been able to gain very much work experience and Work U has been the perfect opportunity where I get school experience and work experience and I’ve learned how to be a professional, learned how to communicate better.
[Hannah Fitzpatrick, senior, Work U intern]: I think anyone can benefit from this course this is exactly what students need as you tiptoe into the real world. You know, we take all of our classes we study hard and then we graduate and then it’s like so now what do I do, and I’m expected to have this huge job coming out of graduation and this is that in between stepping stone that connects you and builds your relationships and your network while, you know, solidifying that this is what you want to do with your future and your future career goals. I think that it can really be tailored to just about anyone.