Experiential learning is a key component of a student’s college experience and can be a highly successful part of your recruiting strategy. In Idaho, we are fortunate to have many schools across the state with diverse programs for you to connect into. Please join us in leveraging experiential learning to steward the next generation of the Idaho workforce. Together, we can increase and improve the talent pool across the state.
For more information about the Idaho Statewide Experiential Learning Summit which happened in June of 2024, best practices for experiential learning, and our findings about how universities and employers can partner, see the Developing Idaho’s Workforce Through Internships page.
Experiential Learning Programs
Boise State University

Traditional Internship: An internship is a practical hands-on experience that gives students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career paths.
Work U Internship: Work U is an internship that is independent of a student’s major where they spend time on site with employers AND in a weekly class session where they unpack what they learn on the job.
Bronco Corps: Bronco Corps is a paid internship program coordinated by the College of Business and Economics that supports Idaho small businesses and nonprofits connecting students to high-need community projects and professional experience.
Service Learning
Service Learning: Service-Learning is a course-based, credit-bearing educational experience by which students participate in an organized service activity that meets identified community needs and reflect on the service activity on such a way as to gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility.
Part-Time Jobs
Part-Time Student Jobs: Many valuable skills graduates bring to your organization are developed or honed in part-time jobs. We can help you create robust student jobs that focus on professional development. Your jobs can be posted to Handshake.
DASH Lab: The Data Analytics for Statewide Health (DASH) Collaborative is an effort to create a more data-fluent public health workforce in Idaho through data-immersive, and team-based learning working with local health-promoting community partners.
studio\Blu: studio\Blu partners with Idaho manufacturers to mentor Boise State students in using their skills to move real-world projects from concept through designing, prototyping, testing, initial manufacturing, funding, and marketing.
Support Student Access to Experiential Learning
The Boise State Internship Support Fund provides scholarships for students to participate in hands-on learning outside the classroom, including internships and Work U. Despite how valuable and often life changing these experiences are, many students have to work to support themselves and can’t afford to take time off to participate in unpaid experiences. Learn more and donate to the Internship Support Fund here.
University of Idaho

University of Idaho Internship Guide for Employers: Career Services supports internships by connecting students with employers and serving as a resource for helping employers in the creation of internships. U of I strongly endorses internships and other experiential learning activities to help students progress in their personal and professional career development.
University of Idaho Co-op Program: Co-op, short for Cooperative Education, is an educational model in which students alternate semesters of academic study with terms of full-time (paid) employment in positions related to their academic and/or career goals. A participant can do 1-2 Co-ops for two separate semesters plus summers, gaining up to a year of career experience before graduating.
Service Learning
Service Learning, Community Engagement, and Sustainable Partnerships: At the University of Idaho, service learning is more than a teaching strategy that integrates course content with community service; it is the cornerstone of our institutional mission to engage learning, scholarship, and service locally, regionally, nationally, and globally.
Part-Time Jobs
Off-Campus Part-Time Jobs for Students: Handshake is the university’s career and job management system. Employers who partner with Job Location and Development reach more students than ever before. We look forward to a long and meaningful partnership with your organization.
Office of Undergraduate Research: Contact the Office of Undergraduate Research to find out how you can partner with the University of Idaho on research.
Support Student Access to Experiential Learning
Donate to UofI Career Services (Under Designation, select “Career Center Gifts”)
Idaho State University

Career Path Internship (CPI) Program: The CPI Program is a paid internship program that allows students to gain hands-on, real-world experience in their chosen course of study or an internship that aligns with the student’s career goals.
Gem State Public Health:The Gem State Public Health program through the Institute of Rural Health (IRH) at Idaho State University (ISU), places 72 AmeriCorps members throughout the state at local non-profit agencies, health district offices, and in the community. Employers in applicable industries can apply to be a host site.
Part-Time Jobs
Part-Time Jobs: The ISU Career Center uses Handshake to post all student jobs and paid internships. These opportunities provide students with invaluable work experience and skill-building, setting them up for success in their future careers. Employers can participate in our annual part-time job fair or post positions on Handshake to help them recruit the best candidates.
Support Student Access to Experiential Learning
Lewis Clark State College

Internships, jobs, volunteer experiences: Employers can share job, internship, or volunteer opportunities on LCSC’s career services platform, Handshake.
Northwest Nazarene University

Internship Program: NNU offers students the opportunity to participate in internships for academic credit. If you are looking to hire an intern from NNU, you can post your opportunities on Handshake, our online job board, or contact Career Development at career@nnu.edu and we will connect you with the appropriate academic department.
College of Business Internship Program: NNU’s College of Business offers a formal internship program. Please reach out to Kevin Mokhtarian at KMokhtarian@nnu.edu to begin the process of hiring an intern.
College of Idaho

High Impact Practices, Internship Program: An internship is an opportunity for you to gain valuable hands-on experience under the careful supervision of an experienced professional. It is also an experiential learning opportunity where you take substantial responsibility for setting your own goals and focusing on your practical and professional education. Contact Contact Info: Nicole Cammann, ncammann@collegeofidaho.edu 208-459-5508, or Dani Carmack, DCarmack@collegeofidaho.edu, 208-459-5156.
Brigham Young University-Idaho

Internships: Information and FAQs for employers seeking to host an internship for BYU-Idaho students.
Project-Based Experiential Learning: Have a team of BYU-Idaho students work on a project for your organization.
College of Western Idaho

Work-Based Learning Center: If you are looking to hire an intern, employee or connect with students, the Work-Based Learning Center can connect you with highly-skilled students through one-on-one connections, on-campus interviews, job postings, internships, professional development presentations, career fairs, and much more.
Email wblc@cwi.edu or call (208) 562-2562 to learn more.
North Idaho College

Interested in connecting with students from North Idaho College about part-time or full-time jobs, internships, or other opportunities?
Career Services: Contact Career Services at career@nic.edu.
Workforce Training Center: To connect with NIC’s Workforce Training Center directly, please email nicworkforcetraining@nic.edu.
College of Southern Idaho

CSI Workforce Development and Training: Find information about internship and apprenticeship programs, work with CSI to develop an internship or apprenticeship program, or have them connect you with prospective interns/apprentices.
College of Eastern Idaho

Workforce Training and Continuing Education: Find information about apprenticeship programs.
Career Placement Center: Post a job or internship on Handshake.