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Faculty Instructions - eLearning Modules

Career Services is committed to providing you with support and resources as you work to help your students achieve success after graduation. Designed with your busy schedule and other classroom priorities in mind, these virtual workshops (eLearning modules) give you the opportunity to incorporate career planning into your courses in a number of ways without requiring you to have specific expertise in these topics, create curriculum, or even take any class time away from your existing course content.

These virtual workshops are self-guided eLearning modules that offer you the ultimate flexibility to create the experience that best meets your needs, and even comes with a full menu of ready-to-teach supporting curriculum for those who want it, including in-class activities and assignments to enhance learning.

Using the Virtual Workshops

How do I use the virtual workshops in my class?

Each virtual workshop is an eLearning module. Because they are eLearning modules, they are designed to be completed independently (but can also be completed as a group), and consist of a combination of video clips and interactive activities to keep students engaged. Each module will take students about 20-30 minutes if completed independently. There are several different ways you can use the modules in your class, depending on your preferences.

  • Option 1 – Out of Class Completion: Add it to your course as an assignment which student complete outside of class. This option requires no class time and no adjustments to your existing curriculum.
  • Option 2 – In Class Completion: Take a class period to lead students through the module as a class. A complete guide is provided for each module that details in-class facilitation with activity and discussion options for each interactive slide, and includes the materials required for activities. The guide is structured in a way to allow you to facilitate the content without needing expertise in those topics.
  • Option 3 – In Class Follow-Up: Assign the module to be completed outside of class, and devote in-class time to follow-up. Each module comes with 4-5 in-class activity or discussion options. Detailed faculty instructions and all required materials are provided for each activity or discussion, again allowing you to facilitate any of them regardless of expertise in the topic.
  • Option 4 – Expand upon with Assignments: Have students complete the module in or out of class, follow-up in class or not, and have students further process the material or build upon their knowledge by utilizing one of the corresponding assignment options that are provided for each module. Faculty instructions, student instructions, and all required materials are provided.

Which modules should I have my students complete?

Each module is designed to be both free-standing and function as part of a larger series. Any one of the modules can be completed without a student having completed any of the others, so if you wish to have your students complete only one, you can choose one that fits the nature of your course and the needs of your student population. They can also be used as a series, integrated throughout your course. The order they appear in on the topic outline shown on the Career Planning Modules webpage represents the logical progression of topics (particularly in the case of the “Career Planning” series); however, you may opt to pick and choose which you use in your own mini-series.

Career Services is more than happy to talk with you and help you select the most appropriate module or modules for your class. Contact your liaison, or if you’re not sure who your liaison is, contact Career Services at 426-1747 or

How should I have my students access the modules in my course?

You have a couple options. If your class is face-to-face only, you might find it easiest to just provide your class with the web address for the Virtual Workshops webpage (, or show them how to access the Modules webpage from the Career Services homepage, and let them know which of the modules they are required to complete. If your class is online or a hybrid, you may wish to use Canvas to post either the webpage link or the direct link to the module you’ve assigned.

How will I know my students completed the module?

At the completion of each module, students receive a certificate of completion. Instruct your students to either print out this certificate or upload it to Canvas.

How do I access the supporting curriculum?

On the Virtual Workshops webpage, under each module will be a link titled “For Faculty – Downloadable Curriculum.” This link will take you to a page with a menu of downloadable supporting curriculum you can use with your class, including in-class activities and assignments. All of the necessary materials are provided, along with detailed instructions for each activity or assignment. You are free to modify any of these as needed.

How can I assess what my students are learning?

We’re so glad you asked! In addition to utilizing assignments to assess learning (if you choose), we have an online evaluation available for each module. We recommend making this a requirement for students to get credit for completing the module. Let us know if you are interested, and we will help you get everything set up.

Have questions or need assistance?

Have questions or need additional assistance? Contact Career Services at 426-1747 or, or contact your Career Services liaison directly.