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Virtual Workshops – e-Learning Modules

Designed to meet the needs of faculty, these eLearning modules allow you to easily incorporate career planning into your course in a variety of ways, regardless of how much time you have available in your course or your level of expertise in career development topics. Continue scrolling to learn more, or go to the modules now!

Options At a Glance

  • Assign out of class: No classroom time available? No problem! Assign a virtual workshop for out-of-class completion, and have students turn in their Proof of Completion page.
  • Use in class: Use a module in class to teach the topic and facilitate discussion. A group completion guide is provided for the first four modules that provides all the info and materials you need.
  • Go deeper with provided supplemental activities and assignments: Use the menu of ready-to-teach curriculum provided for the first four modules to have your students further explore the topic in or out of class.

Topics Currently Available

Career Planning

The Career Planning Process
How to Make a Career Decision
Identifying and Researching Career Options
Career Preparation – Becoming Employable

Job Search

The Job Search Process
Resume Strategies
Cover Letters
Successful Interviewing

Important Update

These modules were built to run on Flash. After Flash was discontinued, we had to run them on HTML5, which causes the occasional glitch. There is a particular matching activity at the end of a couple of the modules which sometimes freezes, but since it is at the very end of the module in the review section, students are still able to access all the instructional content in the module. We suggest that you let your students know this may happen and to turn in a screenshot of the page they stuck on for credit if this happens.

We are currently working on developing updating versions of each of these modules in Canvas. A couple updated versions are already finished and available on the Virtual Workshops page. As more are updated, they will be replaced on that page.

Ready to Learn more?

For more information about how to use these modules, check out the Faculty Instructions.

To access all available modules and the supplemental curriculum, go to the Virtual Workshops page. Start by going through the a module yourself to see what it’s like!

Please let your Career Services liaison (or someone at Career Services) know if you plan to utilize any of the modules so that we can track their usage, and we are also happy to help with the implementation and provide assessment tools. Thank you!

Go to the Virtual Workshops Now