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Internship Information for Employers

Boise State University is here to help your organization thrive by providing access to a pipeline of talented and motivated students.

We know how important internships are to building a stronger workforce. Internships are one of the main recruiting tools employers use for college graduates with 8 out of 10 employers saying that internships provide the best return on investment as a recruiting strategy.

Whether you’re looking to create a new internship, enhance an existing program, or recruit new talent, we’re here to support you.

Multiple Approaches to Internships

Boise State has multiple options for internship programs. Below, see some differences between a traditional internship and the Work U program.

Traditional Internships

  • Usually specific to major(s)
  • Undergraduate & grad students
  • Employers hire students
  • Employers decide hours/week and duration
  • Academic credit optional 
  • Available fall, spring, and summer semesters 
  • Continue down the page to learn more

Work U Internships

  • Open to all majors
  • Undergraduates only
  • Boise State places students
  • 10 hours/week for 13 weeks
  • 3 credits
  • Available fall and spring semesters
  • Learn more about Work U

In addition to traditional internships and the Work U program, Boise State offers many other ways for employers to connect with our students for experiential or work-based learning.

We are available to assist you in determining which approach or program is the right fit for your organization’s needs. Contact our Experiential Learning Employer Relations Representative, Hank Ebert, at or (208) 426-5415.

About Internships

Value of Internships

  • Having an internship program is a cost effective way to evaluate an intern’s potential as a future employee of your organization
  • Access to enthusiastic, talented and innovative students who can contribute their skills and knowledge to your organization
  • Increase productivity within your organization by meeting seasonal or short-term needs without a long term hiring commitment
  • Build and promote your organization’s visibility to Boise State students
  • Take part in influencing the next generation of professionals in your field

Best Practices for a Successful Internship Program

  • Provide a meaningful, challenging “real world” work experience
  • Supervision of intern by a “professional with expertise and educational and/or professional background in the field of the experience”
  • Provide orientation to your organization

Here are some great resources:

Compensation of Internships

  • Internships can be paid or unpaid.  Although compensation is not required to post your internship opportunity; if your organization is a for profit business it is generally expected that you will be providing compensation.
  • If an intern is an “employee” being paid wages, then the employer must pay at least minimum wage according to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
  • If you are a for-profit organization and you will not be providing compensation we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the FLSA rules on unpaid internships.
  • Academic credit is not considered an alternative to compensation

Academic Credit for an Internship

  • Employers do not have the ability to grant academic credit for an internship; that is determined by the student’s department internship coordinator in their Major.
  • Students are responsible for contacting their academic department prior to the start of their internship if they want to register for academic credit for their internship opportunity.
  • Department internship coordinators in the student’s major will determine if a potential internship can be done for academic credit
  • Students must register (and pay) for academic credit just like any other academic course
  • Typically an internship for academic credit is completed in one semester timeframe but the program is flexible
  • Department requirements may differ but an internship for academic credit requires a qualified supervisor  for each intern who will also serve as a liaison with the Boise State department internship coordinator evaluating this internship
  •  If a student is seeking to do an internship for academic credit; you will be asked to complete some documentation which will be sent via email from Boise State

Duration and Amount of Hours Worked

  • Time frames for an internship should be flexible and determined by your organizational needs
  • Boise State runs on a semester calendar (fall, spring and summer)
  • During the fall and spring semesters, students generally work from 15 to 20 hours per week
  • Interns sometimes work full-time during summer as well as semester breaks
  • Often, the intern and the organization agree to continue the employment relationship even after the internship for academic credit is complete.

Hiring an Intern

  • Post your internship opportunity on Handshake, our web-based job posting system where all Boise State students search for part-time jobs; full-time career opportunities and internships. Go to Handshake.
  • Let us know if you are targeting specific demographics of students  (GPA, major, class level, etc) as we can send targeted emails through Handshake promoting your opportunity
  • Participate in On-Campus Recruiting
  • Attend our Career Fairs

Contact Us

For further information about the internship program, contact:

Hank Ebert, Experiential Learning Employer Relations Representative
Boise State University Career Services
Boise ID  83725-1310
Telephone: (208) 426-5415