This page will help you determine which companies at the Career Fair will be recruiting your major.
How to Search the Employer List by Major
When you click the “Who is Coming” link on the Career Fairs page, you’ll be taken to a list of all the organizations currently registered for the fair. (Be aware that employers can register at any time up until a couple days before the event, so keep checking back to see new employers that have been added.)
To search by major, click “Majors,” then find and select your major from the list.
Do not limit yourself only to employers that come up when you search for your major, though, because you’ll be missing out on many other companies that may hire your major. Many employers do not select specific majors when they register for a career fair. Keep reading below to learn more!
What if no one is recruiting my major?
You may have found few or no employers listed when you searched for your major. However, no matter what your major is, we can guarantee there WILL be employers at the Career Fair recruiting it. How do we know?
Because about 40%-50% of the employers attending career fairs are recruiting ALL MAJORS.

That’s right, many employers are looking for a set of skills, characteristics, and experiences, rather than a particular major. Those employers indicate that they “Accept all majors” when registering for the fair. If you have a major that a company has not specifically listed, it is that much more important to research the companies and what they’re looking for, and come prepared to speak about how you have the skills and experience to meet their needs.
If there ARE employers specifically recruiting your major, you should ALSO be sure to browse the employers that accept all majors, because otherwise you may miss companies that could be a good fit, but just didn’t specifically enter your major.
How do I search for employers accepting all majors?
When visiting the “Who is Coming” link on the Career Fairs page, click on the “Other” tab, and check “Accepts all majors.”
What if I’m interested in a company that isn’t recruiting my major OR all majors?
The Career Fair is a networking event, not just a job fair. Just because a company isn’t attending the fair primarily to recruit for your major or the types of positions you’re interested in, that doesn’t mean you can’t use this opportunity to network with representatives from that company.
Some companies may attend the fair primarily to recruit for the majors they have the highest immediate need for, but most companies employ professionals working in a variety of career fields. Micron and HP are great examples of this. When these companies attend our fairs, they tend to list only STEM majors, but both companies also hire many other majors for non-STEM roles. The types of positions you’re interested in may not be open at this moment in time, but remember, your goal at this event is to network and begin establishing contacts at the companies you’d want to work for… that is how you will get your foot in the door when the job you want does become available. Make sure to do your research and show how serious you are about your interest in working for this company. This will impress them even if they weren’t recruiting for your major! Do be aware, however, that the recruiter attending the fair may not know much about your area of interest if they only recruit for one part of the company, but this is still an opportunity for a foot in the door. If this person is not the right contact, ask if they can refer you to or give you the contact information for the right person.
Lastly, remember that your major alone is not going to get you a job, no matter what your major is! When you’re preparing to speak with employers, think about the set of SKILLS you have – from your classroom, professional, volunteer, extracurricular, research, service learning, study abroad, or part-time job experiences. Come prepared to tell employers “why you!”