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Career Events

Explore career options, prepare for your career, network with professionals, and find job and internship opportunities at the career events below.

Event List

Fall Career and Grad School Fair and Spring Career Fair

Career Fairs

Boise State Career Fair â€“ Meet with employers and graduate school representatives during the fall and spring career fair. Get career information, network, and seek internship or career opportunities.

JCPenney Suit-Up Event

Event Details

JCPenney Suit-Up Event â€“ Stock up on career attire at an extra discount just for Boise State students.

Part-Time and Summer Job Fairs

Job Fairs

Part-Time and Summer Job Fairs – Meet with employers to learn about part-time jobs on and off campus at the start of the school year, and summer job opportunities in the spring.

Meet the Employers

Meet the Employers

These smaller events offered in partnership with academic departments are an opportunity to learn about organizations in your industry or field and make personal connections with professionals. Watch your email or check Handshake for information about upcoming events that may be relevant to you!

On-Campus Recruiting

On-Campus Recruiting

On-Campus Recruiting – Career Services brings employers to campus to host information sessions and conduct interviews for open positions throughout the year.

College of Engineering and Construction Industry Career Fairs (Fall)

College of Engineering and Construction Industry Career Fairs

College of Engineering and Construction  Industry Career Fairs – Sponsored by the College of Engineering, meet employers face-to-face to gather information, network and seek possible internship and/or career opportunities.

College of Business and Economics (COBE) Workshops and Events

COBE Workshops and Events

COBE Workshops and Events – The College of Business and Economics (COBE) host a series of workshops and events in the Micron Business and Economics Building (MBEB).