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5 Ways You Can Work Towards Your Career Goals This Semester

Closed captions are available and a transcript is provided in the Video Transcript section on this page.


  • Handshake: Use Handshake to search for on-campus, off-campus, and remote part-time jobs, internships, and post-graduation career positions. Also find and register for upcoming career events and employer networking opportunities.
  • PathwayU: Use our self-guided career assessment to explore career matches, potential corresponding Boise State majors, and make sure you’re on the right track.
  • BroncoLink: Use BroncoLink to find people to answer your career questions and support you in your career journey, including alumni and professionals working in your career of interest. Learn how to conduct an informational interview.
  • Work U and internships: Apply to Work U for a chance to gain experience with one of Boise’s best employers. All opportunities are open to all majors and skillsets. Or pursue an internship related to your major. The availability of remote internships right now gives you the option to pursue companies and opportunities you might not have previously considered.
  • Career Fairs: Our in-person and virtual career fairs are important opportunities to meet employers, gather career information, build your network, and seek internships and career opportunities. Also, have a free professional headshot taken at the in-person fair!

Get Career Help

  • Career Services appointments: Make a video, phone, or email appointment to get personalized assistance. We can help you find the right opportunity, resource, or steps to take this semester to keep you on track towards your career goals. We can also help you explore your major and career options, make a career plan, or search for jobs, internships, and career positions.
  • 15-minute drop-in sessions: Have a quick career or job search question? No appointment needed for a 15 minute online session, Monday – Thursday from 2 – 4 p.m. during the fall and spring semesters while classes are in session.
  • Virtual Career Center: Access any of our online tools 24/7 using our Virtual Career Center.
  • Career Communities: Find other online career resources specific to your interests.

Use the Get Career Help page on our website to access any of these tools, services, or lists of resources by topic.

Video Transcript

Career Services is here to help you make the most of your college experience. Whether you’re on campus or off campus we are here, and ready to help you achieve your career goals. In this video, I’m going to tell you about five important things you can do this semester to explore, plan, and work towards your career goals.

Use Handshake to find the right job opportunity whether you’re looking for an on-campus job, an internship, remote work, or a career position. And as you’re considering your employment options, don’t forget that working on campus has many perks, such as flexible schedules, understanding supervisors, and career development opportunities.

Explore your career options, or make sure you’re on the right track by taking PathwayU, our self-guided career assessment that will match you with career options and potential corresponding Boise State majors. Then, make an appointment with Career Services for help interpreting your results and creating a career plan.

Informational interviews are one of the best ways to get your career questions answered, find people to support you in your career journey, and build your professional network. Use BroncoLink to find and connect with people for informational interviews, or just a quick question, including alumni and professionals working in your career field of interest.

Gaining experience, developing skills, and building your network are critical to achieving your career goals. Apply to Boise State’s Work U program for a chance to be placed into a professional opportunity with a top Treasure Valley employer. Or, let us help you seek out an internship in your desired career field.

Whether you’re about to graduate, or just starting college, you do not want to miss a Career Fair. Our in-person and virtual career fairs and other employer networking events are important opportunities to gather critical information, network, and seek internships and career positions.

If you’re not sure where to start, or if you could use help with any of the things we just talked about, Career Services is here to provide the support you need to achieve your career goals. The resources you heard about in this video are only a few of the things we have available for you.

Go to and add /career to the end, or search Career Services to get to our website. From there, you can make an appointment, get information about our drop-in sessions, or use the online resources available in our Virtual Career Center.

You can also go directly to a particular resource, or to a topic you need assistance with. Get started by clicking on Get Career Help Now. Future employers will want to know how you make the most of this time. What will your story be?