If you feel that this incident/situation may lead to harm to the individual or others, if there is an emergency, or if you feel there is a significant threat to the university and/or its community, please dial 9-1-1 or call the Department of Public Safety at (208) 426-6911.
CARE has an online reporting system for easy reporting and quick responses to concerning situations.
If you’re not sure your situation warrants a CARE alert, feel free to contact the Office of the Dean of Students at (208) 426-1527 for a CARE Consultation.
Worried about Confidentiality?
We understand some information is sensitive and make every effort to respect the privacy of the reporter as much as possible. We handle all reports of threatening behavior discreetly, sharing facts with only those who need to know to assess and properly intervene. We may, however, need to disclose threatening behavior to protect the health and safety of the campus community or as required by law.
You can submit CARE alerts anonymously. On occasion, what is reported may make it easier for a person’s identity to be known.