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Evaluation of Teaching Items in Course Evaluations

(Examples, not necessarily exemplars, gathered by Tasha Souza)

An important part of the process of creating more inclusive and effective learning environments is assessing the inclusiveness of our courses. While no single tool can provide us with a complete answer, course evaluations can be a useful tool for gaining insights–particularly, if you ask the right questions.

The following lists provide examples of equity-focused items that can be added to the standard course evaluation. Some focus on specific practices that are known to increase equity, while others ask students to evaluate more holistic aspects of their experience within the course. They all can help you gain a clearer picture of students’ experiences of equity and inclusion within your course. Consider adding one or more to your end of semester course evaluation (or at any other point that you assess student experiences).

The Course:

  • The course readings and materials were offered in an accessible format. 
  • Low cost/free options for course readings and materials were offered.
  • The course content included diverse perspectives.
  • This course increased my understanding of systems of inequality based on diverse identities.
  • This course had a positive impact on my understanding of my own identity.
  • This course increased my understanding of, and empathy for, the experiences of people with identities different than my own.

The Instructor:

  • The instructor took efforts to create an environment that supports diversity, respects differences, and makes all students feel welcome.
  • The instructor promoted an inclusive learning environment with regard to the diversity of students’ personal backgrounds and identities.
  • The instructor provided a learning experience that respects diversity.
  • The instructor demonstrated respect for individual differences (e.g., disabilities, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation).
  • The instructor was sensitive to issues of diversity encountered during the course.
  • The instructor sought to know and comprehend students’ cultural differences and how those differences impact student learning.
  • The instructor encouraged the inclusion of diverse perspectives and voices.
  • The instructor made efforts to be inclusive of all students.
  • The instructor saw cultural and personal differences among students as assets.
  • The instructor welcomed viewpoints other than their own.
  • The instructor implemented readings and materials that integrate perspectives from beyond mainstream thought.
  • The instructor implemented readings and materials that integrate perspectives from a diversity of authors.
  • The instructor recognized the value of showcasing the works of those that resonate with a diverse classroom.  
  • The instructor made adjustments to the course to address students’ learning needs.
  • This instructor provided a learning experience that considered a variety of learning needs and preferences.
  • This instructor provided opportunities for all students to engage meaningfully with the curriculum and achieve their full potential.
  • The instructor related to students in ways that promoted mutual respect.
  • The instructor recognized student differences as students’ strengths and resources. 
  • The instructor fostered multicultural skills in students.
  • The instructor created a participatory environment in which all individuals, regardless of background or identity, could contribute and be heard. 
  • The instructor considered how cultural differences affect interactions with others.
  • The instructor communicated thoughtfully and sensitively. 
  • The instructor responded to disagreements with sensitivity. 
  • The instructor created a sense of belonging and community in the course.
  • The instructor utilized a variety of teaching strategies that built community in the course.
  • The instructor proactively worked with students to create a learning community where all students felt safe, included, and valued for their unique perspectives.
  • The instructor helped expand my understanding of, skills in, and engagement with inclusion, equity and diversity concepts.
  • The instructor acknowledged that students’ reality is constructed by their race, class, gender and other aspects of being.

The Student:

  • I felt comfortable sharing my ideas and knowledge in the course.
  • I felt like I belonged in the course due to the instructor’s efforts.
  • If I needed help, I felt like the instructor was eager to help me.
  • I felt welcome to offer feedback on the course.
  • I felt supported and encouraged to take risks, ask for feedback, and learn through from my mistakes.


  • Where relevant, please give specific examples to explain your answers.