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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?

BUILD programming is open to all current Boise State employees–including graduate assistants, classified staff, professional staff, administrators, and instructors of all rank.

What is the cost?

This program is free to participate in.

What is the timeline?

There is no specific timeline for completing your certificate. Participants may take as long as they need.

Can I receive a stipend for completing the certificate?

BUILD does not award stipends directly. However, some departments and colleges provide stipends to employees who complete the certificate.. To see if you qualify to receive a stipend upon completing the BUILD certificate, please contact your department chair.

Will BUILD let me know when I’ve completed enough credits?

Due to the number of events held by many different units on campus, participants must keep track of the opportunities that they have attended. You can fill out this template (document download) as you go to help you keep track!

Can BUILD help me figure out how many credits I’ve completed?

Yes! While we do not have a record of events hosted by other departments or institutions, we are glad to let you know how many BUILD-sponsored opportunities you have attended. We can also respond to inquiries about whether a given opportunity counts for BUILD credit. Just email us at

What limitations are there about what counts for BUILD?

  • If it is not a learning opportunity hosted by BUILD, it must be approved to count towards your BUILD Certificate. Credits will be approved by BUILD staff members based on their alignment with the Goals of the BUILD Certificate.
  • One of the primary goals of the BUILD Certificate is creating opportunities for employees to practice skills and have conversations with colleagues about equity and inclusion. For this reason, asynchronous learning opportunities can only account for up to 3 BUILD credits.
  • In the spirit of broad learning, no more than 3 BUILD credits for learning about any one specific identity group (e.g., students with disabilities/accessibility, first generation students) may be counted towards the certificate.
  • In the spirit of maximizing your commitment to learning through such programs as BUILD and the CTL’s Ten for Teaching certificate, we ask that you only “double dip” a maximum of 4 learning opportunities between the two certificate programs.

Who do I contact for more information?

Email the BUILD Program