Planning Advisory Council
The Pre-Planning Phase enabled budget modernization leaders to establish a Planning Advisory Council (PAC) and begin conversations about what an effective RCM style budget model may look like, both within Boise State and with other institutions.
Description and Members
Fall 2023
Convened PAC
- Formed a change facilitation subcommittee of the PAC
Communication plan drafted
- Publication of Initiative website, including FAQs
- A Google folder for resources and documentation was created and made available to Boise State employees
- Listening sessions with university stakeholders held
- Communication from executive sponsors to the university community
Spring 2024
Finalized contract and onboarded the consultant, Kennedy & Co. (“Kennedy”); met with the PAC in late January
Kennedy (Devon McGee, Molly Ryan, and Emily Murphy) met with campus leadership in February, and held listening sessions during the week of March 25
- Kennedy in-person campus visits February 13 – 15: Held 14 onboarding meetings with campus leadership and select stakeholders, attended the Faculty Senate and Admin Council meetings
- Kennedy in-person campus visits March 25 – 28: Held 15 listening with academic and non-academic units on campus, approximately 700 campus stakeholders attended these meetings
The following working groups were formed and started meeting weekly after April 1:
- Strategic Initiatives, Research and Creative Activity, Tuition & Fees, State Appropriation, Academic Unit & Central Services
- The working groups held additional focus groups with campus community before the end of the spring semester
Summer 2024
The working groups concluded their weekly meetings on June 6
- The working groups held a summit on June 10
- The working groups roadmaps (the “Discovery Phase Roadmaps”) were finalized and shared with campus community in mid-August
Initial Data mapping to understand the current state began
Budget Modernization Project Manager search conducted
Finalized development of guiding principles and values, which are available on the Initiative website.
Began development of a Scope of Work for consultants for the Design Phase of the Budget Modernization Initiative.