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September Feature: John Bernardo

An Interview with RBI Interim Director and Idaho Power Sustainability Strategist, John Bernardo

1.     Please provide readers with a short bio covering your key professional experience, interest areas and how you arrived in the Treasure Valley.

I have served as the Sustainability Strategist for Idaho Power Company for five years, identifying and implementing sustainability initiatives into the company culture, managing reporting to national, international and investment-based organizations, promoting (CSR) Corporate Social Responsibility internally and externally, and producing the annual IDACORP sustainability report.

After moving west from Pennsylvania I developed and ran a Business Assistance program in Tucson. After five years my family moved to Boise to find a different, wetter side of the west.  I formed Sustainable Innovations LLC, a sustainability consulting firm, nine years ago after spending seven years working in resource conservation for Albertsons.

2.     What led you to be involved with the Responsible Business Initiative, and why have you stuck with it?

I was initially approached by Angeli Weller to serve on the RBI based upon the corporate responsibility being performed at Idaho Power.  Having the opportunity to integrate successful ideals and initiatives from the business world into academia is a driving force for my continued involvement.

3.     What has been your most impactful role professionally?

I haven’t experienced it yet.

4.     How do you make the business case for responsible business?

Responsible business promotes financial revenue, reduces operational risks, promotes wise and prolonged use of natural and human resources, and provides direction for positive interaction between business, community, municipalities, The Street and NGOs.

5.     Who inspires you?

I am inspired and driven to make an impact by and for my children, Roman and Maddie, and their generation.

6.  What are three things we may not know about you?

I spent a night in the Christchurch, New Zealand police station; I once played The Puzzler on-air with Will Shortz, and directed planetarium and science center operations at The University of Arizona.