Kenneth is a sophomore at Boise State and is a resident assistant for Housing and Residence Life. We sat down and chatted with him to gain a few insights about his life on campus.

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself, Kenneth.
A: I’m in my second year at Boise State and I’m a resident assistant in University Suites. I grew up in Nor-Cal and came to school in Boise along with the rest of California– at least that’s what it feels like sometimes– and I major in environmental studies, minoring in sustainability, climate studies, and economics.
Q: Why did you choose to become an RA?
A: I’m a bit of a socialite, which makes my job connecting with residents easier. This experience of making human connections is more than just a job — it’s a privilege to be able to mentor residents, especially in first-year residence halls. This is one of the most abrupt transitions of their lives, and I wanted to help make the first year of the rest of student’s lives a positive one.
Q: What kinds of issues and concerns do you help your residents with?
A: I help residents find the campus resources that will help them — anything from recreational center activities, to club events, to food pantries all over campus. There are services in offices like the Dean of Students, Health Services, and free counseling in the Gender Equity Center that a student may not know about, and I can usually come up with a resource to address a student need. At times when I’m not qualified to handle a situation, I tag out with my supervisor, the resident director. Our teams are tight-knit, and in general we’re all here to help people.
Q: What advice do you have for parents?
A: Don’t freak out if your kid doesn’t answer the phone on the second try. In fact, limit your calls and slowly wean them off. This is a time of growth away from the direction of parents. That can’t be achieved if your student is in constant contact with “back home”. This is a time for your student to find out who they are. It’s all part of the education that will bring them success in the future.
Q: What else do you do on campus?
A: Along with my role as an RA, I work in the Office of the Dean of Students as a policy researcher and resource creator for faculty and students. I’m also a collegiate soccer referee and I go to as many sports events as I can with my friends in the Bronco Corral.