Submitted by Eden Taylor, Program Coordinator of Education Abroad/NSE Advisor
Studying abroad is a once in a lifetime experience where students get the opportunity to live and take courses for their major in a new culture. Students gain experiences and skills that they will hold onto for years.
Boise State offers a multitude of program designs and locations so students can find the perfect program for them with the appropriate amount of in-country support. All classes taken abroad count toward their Boise State major and they can take all of their financial aid and scholarships abroad with them.
While it is an amazing opportunity, it can be a daunting process to leave all that you know and immerse yourself in something new outside of your comfort zone. Many of our students find comfort in having their parents visit before, during or after their program! Here are a few words from our students who have recently studied abroad.

Bilbao, Spain
“My family had the chance to see me use Spanish and live as one of the locals, as well as meet my host family. It was a wild experience bringing two cultures together. Here was my American family who barely knew Spanish and my host family who barely knew English, with me acting as a translator. It was one of the coolest things I experienced while abroad and it gave my family some actual perspective of what my life was like for five months.”

Aarhus, Denmark
“Having my parents visit was the perfect way to end the semester abroad. I was sad that I had to leave my new friends and the city that I grew to learn and love, however the excitement I had to see my parents after all the months spent without a familiar face kept me looking forward to their visit.”
Where will your student go? #BroncosAbroad