The Opportunities and Resources page for the BRI provides lists of resources, activities and forums for student and faculty.
Opportunities & Resources
Faculty Funding Opportunities
Internal Opportunities
COBRE in Matrix Biology Funding Opportunities
- Call for White Papers — The IDeA Programs Office is accepting white papers of faculty who are interested in undertaking biomedical research that requires the use of shared research core facilities.
- The Biomolecular Research Core Facility Voucher Program: This program is intended to subsidize the use of the Biomolecular Research Core Facility. Boise State researchers are welcome to apply.
- COBRE in Matrix Biology Research Travel Grant: This grant application is open to Boise State University faculty members or Boise State University graduate level students wanting to present biomedical/matrix biology specific research at a national conference.
Convergent Engineering and Biomolecular Science (CEBS) COBRE Funding Opportunities
- The Convergent Engineering & Biomolecular Sciences (CEBS) Voucher Program: The purpose of this voucher program is to subsidize the use of the Fabrication, Characterization, and Testing (FaCT) Core Facility to enable research that is responsive to the CEBS COBRE theme of biomedical devices, sensors, and systems.
Idaho INBRE Bioinformatics Core Technology Access Program: This opportunity is open to biomedical investigators for projects that utilize core facilities in Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, and Wyoming. An array of biomedical research projects will be supported.
External Opportunities
- Idaho INBRE Funding Opportunities: Interested in INBRE Funding Opportunities? This is your one-stop-shop! Opportunities are available for many institutions!
- IDeA Co-Funding Opportunities: Has your research project received a meritorious score though peer review, but didn’t make the payline? Check this out!
Student Opportunities
Undergraduate Student Opportunities
- Boise State University Office of Undergraduate Research
- Boise State University Summer Research Community
- Idaho INBRE Student Programs
- INBRE Fellows Program
- Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research (GIAR)
- The Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training Program
- The Higher Education Research Council (HERC) Fellowship
Graduate Student Opportunities
Boise State Graduate Degree Programs
Internal Resources
College of Engineering (COEN) Office of Research Development & Support created tools, templates, and samples for Boise State personnel with a focus on biomedical related support information. The following information can only be accessed through the Boise State intranet.
External Resources
- EPSCoR IDeA Foundation
- Idaho NSF EPSCoR
- National Association of IDeA Principal Investigators (NAIPI)
- Sigma Xi
Clinical translational research programs include:
Recharge Centers
Boise State Recharge Centers
Boise State Recharge Centers Information Page
NIH COBRE Related Recharge Centers at Boise State University
Fabrication, Characterization, and Testing Core (FaCT Core) Facilities:
- Biomechanics and Mechanobiology (BMMB)
- Boise State Center for Materials Characterization (BSCMC)
- X-ray and Electron Microscopy Laboratory (XEML)
- Surface Science Lab (SSL)
- Idaho Microfabrication Laboratory (IML)
- Research Machining and Engineering (RME)
Biomolecular Research Core Facilities Forms
Scientific Advances Forms
BRC Internal Travel Request
Lab Safety
Basic Lab Safety Requirements
Posters & Logos
If you are in need of making a poster approved by BSU, here is their poster template.
Downloadable logos
Need a BSU and BRI official logo for a project, poster, website or more? These are the logos approved by NIH, BSU, the BRI and COBRE can use.