Use our Fabrication, Characterization, and Testing (FaCT) Core Research Facilities and Equipment
The FaCT Core Facility provides biomedical engineering research support in the form of design, development, synthesis/fabrication, testing, and validation capabilities and services for devices, sensors, and systems to be used in foundational or applied biomedical and/or clinical-translational research. The core has four main facilities. For detailed information regarding capabilities, services, and rates, please click the following links.
- Biomechanics and Mechanobiology (BMMB)
- Boise State Center for Materials Characterization (BSCMC)
- X-ray and Electron Microscopy Laboratory (XEML)
- Surface Science Lab (SSL)
- Idaho Microfabrication Laboratory (IML)
- Research Machining and Engineering (RME)
Convergent Engineering and Biomolecular Science (CEBS) COBRE Funding Opportunities
The purpose of this voucher program is to subsidize the use of the Fabrication, Characterization, and Testing FaCT Core Facility to enable research that is responsive to the CEBS COBRE theme of biomedical devices, sensors, and systems.
The Convergent Engineering & Biomolecular Sciences (CEBS) Voucher Program
FaCT Core Facilities Informational Flyers
The following informational flyers are available as a printable download. For full details on the different labs, please visit the websites, provided on this page.