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COBRE Junior Investigator Grant Program

COBRE in Matrix Biology

Request for full proposal (due October 5)


The NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) at Boise State funds Junior Investigators with the objective of enhancing nationally competitive Matrix Biology Research and the goal of increasing biomedical research activity in a thematically focused multidisciplinary manner. Extracellular Matrix (ECM) is gaining prominence as a key structural and functional regulator of organ and tissue function and failure. Researchers in this arena examine how the ECM gives tissues their unique properties, and how the local pericellular environment controls cell signaling and cellular responses to the local environment. Central to the COBRE in Matrix Biology is the critical role ECM plays in health and disease. The study of matrix biology naturally lends itself to interdisciplinary collaborations and a convergent problem solving approach.

Criteria for Eligibility: 

Applications are welcome from all Boise State investigators who are eligible to apply for independent NIH funding. Individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups as well as individuals with disabilities are always encouraged to apply. For the purpose of eligibility, a junior investigator is defined either as (1) an individual who does not have and has not previously had an external, peer-reviewed Research Project Grant (RPG) or Program Project Grant (PPG) from either a Federal or non-Federal source that names that investigator as the PD/PI or (2) an established investigator who is making a significant change to his/her career.

Senior, funded investigators who are not making a significant career change are not eligible. Investigators who have managed to obtain significant support in the form of a RPG or PPG (e.g., NIH R01 or P01, NSF, or other Federal or non-Federal agency awards) are not eligible. Each applicant should indicate in his/her Biographical Sketch their current and previous history of peer-reviewed research support. A junior investigator must hold a faculty appointment, tenure or research track, at the time that the award is made.

With respect to item (2) above, support may be provided to an established investigator who is making a significant change to his/her career goals by initiating a new line of research that is distinctly and significantly different from his/her current investigative program.  The current or previous history of independent peer-reviewed research support, which should be indicated in the Biographical Sketch, in a different investigative area than that proposed in this application does not disqualify the investigator. Furthermore, this individual can be of any faculty rank. However, investigators whose current research is already supported by a RPG or PPG and who are not changing their current research program are not eligible.  Investigators who propose to develop a new or alternate line of research, but whose intention is to maintain support of an active RPG or PPG in a different area of research are also not eligible.

Funds Available and Use of Funds:

Support of up to $100,000 in direct costs may be requested. We anticipate funding three (3) proposals depending on the availability of funds and the submission of a sufficient number of meritorious applications. Allowable expenses include salary support for the principal investigator and a research technician or postdoctoral fellow; fees for the use of shared resources within the Biomolecular Research Core Facility; housing for research animals; and federally allowable research supplies. While projects will be funded for one year, awardees may apply for noncompetitive annual renewal for a second year of funding. All Junior Investigator Grant awards are contingent upon NIH approval of the Junior Investigator Grant proposal.


Full applications will be accepted at this time. Applications will be scored for scientific merit following standard NIH criteria: Significance, Innovation, Investigator, Approach, and Environment. Additionally, review criteria will include 1) plans for future extramural grant applications, 2) likelihood that the Junior Investigator will publish in a timely manner, 3) plans for research in the field of Matrix Biology.  Applicants must state how the project addresses the Matrix Biology scientific theme and how the award will provide faculty the opportunity to invigorate their career with collaborative research in matrix biology and biomedical research. Preliminary data is not required but should be included if available.

The application must include the following elements:

  • Formatting should include: Arial 11pt, and 0.5-inch margins
  • Title and Project Summary (1 page combined)
    • The project summary should be no more than 30 lines, Arial 11pt .05-inch margins.
  • Research Strategy, (maximum 10 pages):  Please use the NIH format which includes:

1) Significance

2) Innovation

3) Research Approach

4) Project Timeline with milestones and plans for submitting two manuscripts each year and an R01 or R01-like grant application to obtain future extramural funding

  • NIH-style Biographical Sketch for PI
  • Demonstration of IRB, IACUC, and IBC approval, if appropriate
  • If release time from teaching is required, a letter from the department chair must accompany the application
  • A summary of the investigator’s track record in submitting grant applications
  • A list of experiments that will be carried out in the Biomolecular Research Core Facility and/or the Biomedical Research Vivarium
  • A detailed budget for two years and justification. For planning purposes, do not exceed $100,000 per year
  • Specific Aims (1 page)
  • Submit completed application to brc@boisestate.eduÂ