Funding Opportunity – Technology Access Awards
The Idaho INBRE program Bioinformatics & Data Science core supports “big data” collection and analysis through a Technology Access Award mechanism. It pays core use and facility charges for projects that involve DNA/RNA sequencing, proteomics, metabolomics, confocal imaging, etc. The Idaho INBRE Bioinformatics and Data Science core also supports student and faculty training in Bioinformatics. As well as Data Science through support of travel and registration at workshops offered by the NIH, NCGR, etc.
To apply for the Technology Access Awards:
1) Go the the Idaho INBRE webpage.
2) Under the Data Science tab at the top of the Idaho INBRE home page, scroll down to the 3rd item: INBRE Bioinformatics and Data Science Core Technology Access Award. INBRE Bioinformatics Core Technology Access Awards
From there you will see the “Apply Here” green button that will get you to the application. Part of the application asks you to describe the project. Be succinct, but have sufficient detail that the reviewer can understand the purpose of the work and what core facility use is planned. Note, this is not a “subaward”, the Bioinformatics & Data Science core will arrange to pay invoices. These come from core facilities or commercial vendors for the approved work. The application will require that you supply a quote for the work from a vendor or core facility.
If you need help identifying a vendor, contact Dr. Ken Cornell, Director of the INBRE Bioinformatics & Data Science core at
Also, if you would like to pursue a Bioinformatics/Data science training opportunity for students/staff/investigator at the NCGR. Or NIH (or other) in bioinformatics/data science, or have additional questions about the technology access program, contact Dr. Cornell ( for further information.