Call for Project Proposals
COBRE in Convergent Engineering & Biomolecular Science (10-8-2023) has sent out their call for project proposals for full research projects for its research project leads, and for smaller pilot projects due in October 2024. Below is information for 2023 proposals, which we will update at that time.
National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences (P20GM148321)
The NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) in Convergent Engineering and Biomolecular Science (CEBS) is requesting whitepapers from investigators interested in:
- Pilot Project funding (up to $50k or $75k for 1 year depending upon team composition, see important details below), or
- Research Project Lead (RPL) funding (up to $125k/yr for 3 years).
The goal of this program is to promote and enhance biomedical research at Boise State University by providing support to faculty interested in developing research projects and programs related to biomedical devices, sensors, and systems. The program also seeks to promote collaborative research by encouraging applications that span engineering and the biomolecular sciences.
To be eligible for research project lead (RPL) or pilot project grant funding, the proposed research must:
- Align with the CEBS COBRE thematic focus on biomedical devices, sensors, and systems.
- Include use of one or more of the Fabrication, Characterization, and Testing (FaCT) Core recharge facilities noted below:
- Biomechanics and Mechanobiology Lab (BMMB)
- Boise State Center for Materials Characterization (BSCMC)*
- Idaho Microfabrication Laboratory (IML)
- Research Machining and Engineering Facility (RME)
*Note that the Surface Science Lab (SSL) is now part of the BSCMC.
- Pilot Project anticipated funding is $50,000 in direct costs for a single year. Special consideration will be given to proposals that consist of collaborative teams combining engineering and the biomolecular sciences, with an additional $25k available to such transdisciplinary teams (for a total of $75k/yr).
- Research Project Lead anticipated funding is up to $125k per year in direct costs for 3 years.
Key Dates
- Monday, October 23, 2023:Â Â Â Â Whitepaper due
- Monday, October 30, 2023:Â Â Â Â Internal review of whitepapers complete; applicants notified if selected to prepare a complete proposal.
- Monday, November 27, 2023:Â Â Submit complete application to the COBRE office for external review
- Monday, February 5, 2024:Â Â Â Â Earliest start date
Investigators must hold a faculty, research professor, or research staff appointment at BSU.
Faculty must be able to commit a minimum of 25% effort to their research project.
Investigators are not eligible for Pilot or Research Project Lead funding if:
- They are the principal investigator on an R01 grant or equivalent (e.g., NSF CAREER, etc.).
- They are already receiving INBRE or COBRE funding (Pilot PI, Research Project Lead, etc.).
The proposed research must align with the thematic focus on biomedical devices, sensors, and systems.
The research must use one or more of the FaCT Core facilities (BMMB, BSCMC, IML, RME).
Application Process
The initial whitepaper should be no more than one page and include:
- A 1 paragraph Project Summary
- List of Key Personnel
- Description of alignment with the thematic focus on biomedical devices, sensors, and systems
- Description of the use of one or more of the FaCT Core recharge facilities
If selected for funding, investigators will be given instructions for the preparation of full Pilot Project or Research Project Lead proposals.
Questions regarding the whitepaper should be directed to Tracy Yarnell at or Ken Cornell at
Whitepaper applications are due by 5 PM on October 23, 2023. Submit whitepapers as a PDF document to Tracy Yarnell, BSU IDeA Program Manager, via email at