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Typography is a critical element in establishing our visual identity and only Boise State’s official fonts should be used in Unbridled campaign materials to further ensure brand consistency and unification.

The sans serif typeface Gotham should be used for all copy text. Garamond, the official serif typeface, is only used — within the Unbridled campaign — as part of the Unbridled Wordmark.


Typography Hierarchy and Infographics

Typographic Hierarchy

Refer to the image below for a visual representation of the following:

  • Intro Copy: Orange, Gotham Bold, 18 pt (or roughly 30% the size of the header) +100 tracking (or roughly 5x the font size)
  • Header: Gotham Bold, 60 pt or largest distinguishable font size
  • Body Copy: Gotham Book, 15 pt or roughly 25% the size of the header (should not be smaller than 10 pt)
  • Caption or Quote: Gotham Bold, 15 pt or roughly 25% the size of the header (should not be smaller than 10 pt)
example with intro, header, body, and caption or quote

Number-Driven Infographic

  • Title: Gotham Bold, 60pt
  • Body: Gotham Regular, 14 pt to 24 pt depending upon location and size of infographic
  • The predominant color is Pantone 286C with either the lightest gray or Pantone 172C as the accent color.
example of infographics

Bar Graph

All labels should be in Gotham Bold (white or Pantone 286C depending upon bar color).

Bar graph colors should be used in the following hierarchical order: Pantone 286C, lightest gray, Pantone 2757, Pantone 172C.

example bar graph

Pie Chart

  • Large Label: Gotham Bold, 47 pt
  • Small Label: Gotham Bold, 17 pt and Gotham Book 12 pt

Pie chart colors should be used in the following hierarchical order: Pantone 286C, lightest gray, Pantone 2757, Pantone 172C. If needed, Pantone cool gray may be used as a fifth color.

example pie charts

Purchasing Fonts